Why trust a Chinese Distribution?
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2016-10-16 16:06
Linux Deepin seems to be an amazing open source distribution of Linux developed in China, yet China is infamous for censorship.

Because an Operating System is such a low-level element in our digital lives, users need to trust it 100%. Windows and Mac have backdoors and are not worthy of trust. However Deepin as an alternative comes from a country with the Great Firewall of China and appears to be funded by 'Wuhan Technology' company.

Also, open source software can still have malicious code in it, provided people checking the code don't find it. Vulnerabilities like Adobe Flash player can be left intentionally not up to date.

Despite this, I trust Deepin. I do, however, have a hard time explaining to other people why they should install Deepin on their computers. I hope you can provide objective answers to the following questions.

1) How can 'Wuhan Technology' afford to pay for the highly-skilled Deepin developers (and hosting) if the product makes no money, harvests no data and is only for the good of humanity?

2) What motivation (other than humanitarian) is there to make Deepin?

3) How would you convince a skeptic that there are no hidden catches?

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2018-06-06 16:04
Edited by josemarcos at 2018-6-6 08:09

I trust 100% in Deepin and admire the great work of the team. Regrettable as there are people who doubt the Deepin just because he is Chinese. The Chinese had a great participation in the history of mankind, among them the invention of paper, paper-currency, compass, macaroni, kite, and more.  Moreover, it has the largest economic growth in the world, being one of the greatest powers. I admire the work of the Chinese. The chineses have all my respect. In addition, the team works hard to offer us a free and beautiful operating system. I usually say that the one who stands out more is the subject of criticism.
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2018-06-06 18:27
Use it when you like, and roll when you don't need it.
All of world baned telegram! what you say!

China No.1
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2018-06-06 18:59
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2018-06-06 21:58
因为deepin是中国公司生产的你们就不相信?你可曾听过中国监控哪个国家?你可了解美国"棱镜门".你不相信我们 ...

给丫发个 爱用就用 不用就滚
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2018-06-19 13:01
OK then, do all your banking on Deepin Linux and don't be surprised when one day all your money is gone.
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2016-10-16 21:32
maybe you could get some answer from this? { https://www.deepin.org/dduc2016
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2016-10-17 01:06
as you have said, open source software can still have malicious code in it, provided people checking the code don't find it, so there is no way anyone can convince you.

we are all investing our trust, hence we can only pray for a good investment.
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2016-10-17 01:36
This is interesting subject... At the moment I use Deepin on Manjaro, because of better driver support for my hardware and newer software base. But as european and situation out here, trusting in Chinese distribution is no issue for me. Rather opposite, expesially if all the new planned EU-laws ever get for real (about hatespeech, rasism and other mind crimes). That point it might be a good idea to choose Chinese distro over European/US one. Those laws do not effect me personally, it's more like principle and statement for your freedom. That's just my two cents...
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2016-10-17 05:17
the world has gone mad!
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2016-10-17 08:50
Hi. To my mind., Deepin OS is probably one of the most secure and trustworthy  of the current Linux distros because it does originate from China. Given the fact that many countries, particularly the USA, are paranoid about China's political ambitions and fear China's cyberwarfare capabilities, it is hard to imagine that the NSA and national security agencies from other nations have not red flagged Deepin OS and are not keeping an eye on it, unlike, perhaps, most other Linux distros. And, if one is inclined to believe some reports about Chinese government cyber-hacking,  then it appears that the hackers do quite well without needing a Linux OS to do so. One of the beauties of open source distros is their transparency to all, and I think the developers of Deepin believe that too.
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2016-10-17 23:13
Edited by nhoya at 2016-10-17 15:21

1) Deepin is selling enterprise services in china, is the n1 distro there so i think they can affort developers payment

2) As i said in 1) they are selling enterprise services, asking why is like asking Microsoft why they sell OS. Deepin team opened the project to the community giving the possibility to invest our knowledge and time

3) It's easy, if you are skeptic (like you should be with everything in your system) you can just check. How you can trust Debian, Arch or any other distro? You know, america is well known for mass control https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_%28surveillance_program%29 so why China not and International yes? The right answer for me is: because is trusted by the community. Deepin has lot of partners, WPS, Maxton, RedHat and Intel for example. But of course these are only external opinions and you shouldn't trust them. Just take the code and give a look to it.

For other infos:
https://www.linuxfoundation.org/ ... chnology-join-linux
http://muzi.info/articles/1371.html (interview to manateelazycat)

Oh and just for reminder, everyday lot of people use closed systems like OSX and Windows because they trust it (and they even have not access to the code)
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-17 23:17
maybe you could get some answer from this?  https://www.deepin.org/dduc2016

Maybe we need the english translation..
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2016-10-18 03:39
Thank a lot everyone for all the replies. Especially Nhoya as I found your answer helpful.

I have no doubt that sometime in the future I will help people use Deepin happily and knowing about the Enterprise / Partners will ease all their doubts (and mild racism, haha).

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2016-10-18 06:42
Thank a lot everyone for all the replies. Especially Nhoya as I found your answer helpful.

I have n ...

And what about all these Chinese hardware you use, Huawei etc. I don't think using Chinese product is no problem for most people now days.
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2016-10-22 03:29
There are enough much much less known distros that would be accordingly much more likely to be infected since they are unkown and barely anyone did check them for malicious intents. I rather take a fantastic chinese distribution like this one, that is pretty high on the ranking of distrowatch.com, than some impotent distro that is in alpha stadium and no one has checked it for major mistakes.
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2016-10-23 23:53
nhoya said:
You know, america is well known for mass control https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_%28surveillance_program%29 so why China not and International yes?

nhoya is right! We should assume that we're being watched by "Big Brother" as in George Orwell's novel:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four
People trust and buy computers with systems as Microsoft and Apple, why we would not trust in Deepin Technology?
Anyway, if you do not want to be watched, it's necessary to switch off our computer!{

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2018-05-10 19:51
2016-10-28 04:43
nhoya is right! We should assume that we're being watched by "Big Brother" as in George Orwell's no ...

Not only your computer, but your phone, smart watch and TV too.
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2016-10-29 08:10
What politics? Deepin is what chinese children doing after school!{
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2016-11-01 19:38
johnson_pw: "I found a great looking Linux distro the other day, I'm considering using it as my main OS.  It's called Deepin and it's from China."

friend: "How do you like being tracked by and supporting the CPC?"

johnson_pw: "I don't, but it's not likely China will travel halfway around the world and knock on my door."

I really like Deepin as an OS.  I'm not fond of the Chinese government.  Deepin is most likely not secure from the world's most powerful governments, and is likely compromised in some minor way by the major cyber-ops players.  However, I personally am NEVER likely to be targeted by the CPC.  Being half a world a way the Chinese government likely won't be visiting my house.  Wuhan Technology may be required to report to the Chinese government, but they won't be reporting to my government.
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2016-11-02 01:37
You may be absolutely right but let me ask you a question before you heard about deepin you had Microsoft Windows right. Well where is the difference between give your data to the Chinese administration or even the CIA when you trust Microsoft and apple? Sure they have different ethnic and different toughs but does that really matter when it comes to your data?
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