Updates Are Scary
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2016-10-15 21:31
For me, Deepin's update system is not where it needs to be. I commonly update and find myself stuck on 0% (for an hour) and not being able to turn it off. I end up turning it off!
Is this a problem for everyone or just me? Who know's what happening? I thougt I'd bring it up.
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2016-10-16 06:40
I'm not using it, because I want to see what is happening in background, so I use apt from the terminal.
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2016-10-16 08:23
cannot agree more!! it is actually a problem and it sucks...
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2016-10-16 09:08
Hi everyone i used to have the same issue, it is because the servers are from China
so the update is bloody slow.
this link fix it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... ljLB27Q&index=4
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2016-10-16 14:29
I'm not using it, because I want to see what is happening in background, so I use apt from the termi ...

Yeah I have used both. I could be wrong, but I think I've updated via terminal and then the OS tries to update again and has a hard time. Then if I start with the OS, it still has a hard time.
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2016-10-16 14:32
Hi everyone i used to have the same issue, it is because the servers are from China
so the update is ...

Thanks but there is no link for my country. Is this the same as changing the mirrors via the GUI?
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a***[email protected]
2016-10-16 15:18
Hello Xoloti, it first that have that make is open terminal:
1-sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
2-disables the repository by default with a # by front
3-adds the following repository that also is of Chinese but is much more fast that which brings Deepin by default: deb http://mirrors.cqu.edu.cn/Deepin unstable main contrib non-free
4-keeps in CTRL + or and then CTRL + X to close.
5 sudo apt-get update
6 - then this your repositories iran even more rapid.

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2016-10-17 00:56
Hello Xoloti, it first that have that make is open terminal:
1-sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
2-d ...

yes, but you can actually change it to other servers by just editing that line created by the installer.

i was switching servers in the ctrl panel but nothing changed, so i did it myself.
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2016-10-17 05:35
https://bbs.deepin.org/user/49692 Just use the conosle by now the developers seem to be more focosing on new features than fixing old bugs see https://bbs.deepin.org/post/31502 For now just using the console makes more sence than using the dde If you run in to the bug just turn of your machine and turn it back on than use
  1. sudo apt update  
  2. sudo apt -y full upgrade
Copy the Code

to make shure everything works fine
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2016-10-18 02:47
Thanks everyone
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