Unable to delete Pictures Directory in $HOME
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-07 02:33

Hey there, actually i'm trying to delete the Pictures directory in my home but after each reboot it is recreated by something.
I havey disabled the xdg-user-dirs config, so I can delete Directories like Downloads and Documents but still can't remove the Pictures dir, any suggestions?

See Github.
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-07 09:19
I noticed this issue appear Just with Deepin DE, if you try to install Cinammon as DE you can erase that folder..
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2016-10-07 10:49
So this could Not be the Fixed in /etcskel. I'll have a Lok into it and reply then
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2016-10-07 11:42
Ths is a thread related to your problem. I agree that there is currently no way to stop xdg-dirs-update from recreating the standard dirs. (Tried everything about the last half hour) It seems that this problem occurs in Nautilus  Version 3. something.

You should create a bug report related to this by using the feedback tool. or the feedback page above. I noticed that the developers are sending reply to bug report since thy have launched the feedback page. Perhaps they can take a look in to it.

My aducated guess is that deepin file manager is based on Nautilus 3.x and so it inerits the bug tht causes the problem by now.
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2016-10-10 05:57
Ths is a thread related to your problem. I agree that there is currently no way to stop xdg-dirs-upd ...

Nope, actually the problem is not xdg, disabling it (or removing the package) you can delete dirs like Documents and Downloads from your home but $HOME/Pictures and $HOME/Pictures/Wallpaper will be re-created. What i think is that is hardcoded i the DDE source. An answer from the DDE dev will be really nice
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2016-10-12 23:41
For my information:
  1. dmesg|grep Pictures
Copy the Code

point you to the culprit ?
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2016-10-13 10:58
Edited by horvan at 2016-10-12 20:00
Nope, actually the problem is not xdg, disabling it (or removing the package) you can delete dirs  ...

Thats not hard coded thats what xdg-dirs was made for. Usually you should be able to turn it of per user and per directory. In Deepen this is currently not the case. It seems it is related to a bug in Nautilus 3.x. Perhaps the next update Of deepen File Manager will fix this.
Have you droped an Issue to the Feedback board?
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2016-10-15 00:06
Thats not hard coded thats what xdg-dirs was made for. Usually you should be able to turn it of per ...

Sure, the issue is already open
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