dde-dock mouse over preview?
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2016-09-20 01:43
in 15.2, with the dde-dock, I could mouse over icons to preview the open applications, but this feature seems missing in 15.3, is there a way to re-enable it?

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2017-01-22 01:00
after months using new method i think this is really very bad, we need back old style.
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2017-01-22 02:35
15.4 will add dock preview back,  https://bbs.deepin.org/user/8524
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2016-09-20 18:40
hover the mouse over the icon and scroll the mouse wheeler
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2016-09-23 20:24
New dde 15.3 preview system is very bad, 15.2 is good.
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2016-10-09 06:53
hover the mouse over the icon and scroll the mouse wheeler

I think I might have an option to keep as in version 15.2, the way it's got very bad. Why did you decide to make this change? It seems that no one approved!
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2016-10-15 05:21
There are also 2 other threads regarding this feature-drop.
But I don't think Deepin guys read this and really care about this.
But maybe if we request it in a large enough amount, they might give us back this feature
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2016-10-19 08:02
I would like to see this feature back too.
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2016-10-19 08:36
I want the feature back too.
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2016-10-22 03:26
The new feature is much more pleasing to the eye and also very practical because the windows are in a much better order and you can find the window you are looking for easier. I think this is only a case of when people don't like to change a habit, because they got too used to the original one.
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-22 17:51
The new feature is much more pleasing to the eye and also very practical because the windows are in  ...

It's not an habit! The preview helped me when I had more than one window open of Nautilus open, for instace.
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2016-10-22 21:23
I think that if the Deepin team prefers the new standard, there is no problem to leave it as the default, but it leaves us an option to use the standard used in 15.2, because for all the people I installed Deepin it became a problem and some have already ceased to use Deepin and back using Windows just because this function.
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2016-10-23 03:21
It's not an habit! The preview helped me when I had more than one window open of Nautilus open, fo ...

New one could be usefull, if there was drag and drop support. It should have it "all windows" view too...
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-23 10:00
The fact is, the team working on Deepin messed it all up. I am very disapointed and have been searching for a distro with this function. So far, apparently Mint Cinnamon has it. If Deepin doesn't bring this function back, I will move to Mint.
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-23 10:03
hover the mouse over the icon and scroll the mouse wheeler

That does nothing, it just brings back the window, it doesn't give a preview!
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2016-10-24 03:39
I have seen this in an other topic and it makes me a bit angry. Just a question. What is the real benefit on this featur bised it looks cool for a while? any good reasons?
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2016-10-28 06:11
I have seen this in an other topic and it makes me a bit angry. Just a question. What is the real be ...

No reason to get mad. People are just expressing their opinions.
The real benefit is that users coming from Windows will feel right at home with it. They are used to DE behaving that way and have adapted to that method of app switching. Not having that feature anymore means that they have to re-adapt, and change the way they use the GUI - believe me that no-one wants that.

I'm not saying that dock window preview is the best way of active window management, but it sure ain't the worst. Just because you (and for that matter Deepin developers) don't use your desktop in the same way doesn't mean that it is a pointless feature, especially since it was already developed and maybe could be adjusted to work with the new dock.

Remember some 10 years ago when cube workspace switchers were a huge hit? I've always hated those. But they were optional, so I could just not use them. The same thing could be done here - we would use the feature, you wouldn't - everyone's happy.

But it doesn't matter to me anymore as I've moved to another distro. However, I think that Deepin is a promising distro and will be watching it.

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2016-11-02 04:19
I want the feature back too.
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