Install never seems to finish
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2016-09-07 19:13
My problem may be something trivial... but im stumped.

1. I couldnt download the iso from this site... It told me on several different computers hooked to my 100mbs connection that it would take 1-2 days to download 2GB?!?!?!? So i downloaded from instead in under 5 minutes...

2. Im trying to dual boot with uefi on a newer ssd with Windows 10 already on it and the installation seems as though it gets stuck about 80% of the way through the completion bar. I don't get any errors or anything, and the system doesnt seem frozen as the advertising continues and the mouse still moves. After half hour to an hour of waiting i have given up 3 times now. 2 custom installs and 1 "simple install"

3. I got it to install via boot manager but i wanted to be able to get to windows 10 via grub and it didnt show up in the options. I don't know if there is a work around for this so i just assumed that they both needed to be installed with UEFI (which im yet to fully understand). This installation however went really quickly compared to my failed UEFI attempts.

Windows did by default sucked up 4 primary partitions but im not sure that this is relevant anymore with modern rigs and UEFI. There doesnt seem to be a lot of documentation on similar problems so I'm taking to the forums. Is the OS trying to download from the same place the ISO sits causing it to take 2-3 days for some kind of update? What can I do to debug this? Even windows installs faster so I assume that I must be doing something wrong.

any input is appreciated.

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2016-09-08 01:40
Edited by wanywhn at 2016-9-7 17:57

Q1.  download from official site may be slow ,you can download from other .in Deepin it connects to official CDN update source ,so it seems will be faster than you download ISO
Q2. i remember that it does have a bug in deepin installer while install in win10(i'm not sure,may be long time a ago ,but i don't recommend that way of installtion)
Q3.Now you have installed Deepin and can't get in to win10?
     if it is true ,did Deepin installed whit UEFI? I remember that  Deepin and win10 should in the same mode (UEFI or MBR) .
     if you are in Deepin ,you can run this two commod in Deepin terminal
sudo os-prober  //find other OS

sudo update-grub   //update grub

   and you will find win 10 in grub
Q4. Partition type GPT(offen appear with UEFI)don't have the restriction of four partition which MBR has.UEFI can have up to 128 partition which is enough for PC.
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2016-09-08 03:23
Hi. You can install this:     to a usb drive and it will allow you to boot into W10 or Deepin . Good luck.
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2016-09-08 03:29
Sorry about the confusion with Q3!

I had it installed but removed it because my PC was booting to deepin in legacy mode while my Windows 10 install was very clearly booting from UEFI. With this installation setup grub was unable to find the Windows 10 loader which makes sense. I could only boot to deepin by pressing f11 and telling it to boot through that part of the drive which is not what i want. Im trying to get them both install via UEFI so that I can have Deepin's pretty grub menu pop up on startup to let me pick between Windows or Deepin. I have since disabled legacy boot in the mobo bios to avoid this going forward.  

Most would recommend avoiding a dual boot for this reason but no single OS meets both my Work and Gaming PC requirements. Windows is used strictly for gaming while in the past I used Ubuntu for work. I got bored of Ubuntu and wanted to try Deepin, but the install process hasnt been pretty just yet.

Thank you for your input
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2016-09-08 08:55
Hi. After you have installed Deepin and W10 does does not show up in the Grub boot menu, you must, while booted into Deepin, update or reinstall the grub package and then reboot. Then both W10 and Deepin OS should show up on the Deepin boot screen.What happens, I believe, is when you first install Deepin it does not see the W10 partition, but it does see it after updating or reinstalling grub. Worked for me and hope it work for you.
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2016-09-08 09:13
are W10 and deepin on different drives? or partitions on the same drive?
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2016-09-08 13:22
stevex. that is the probelm. I can't get deepin to install.

W10 and Deepin are on the same SSD. I unplugged all other drives during the installation process since Windows gave me problems in the past with multiple drives connected.
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2016-09-08 15:24
Not sure, but maybe W10 reformatted you ssd and Deepin installer cannot find a partition to install on. Are you able to boot to Deepin installer and after that is when installation fails?The only thing I can suggest is to boot into Windows and use "mini tool partition wizard" or Gparted on usb to take a look at and format your partitions so Deepin has a proper place to install.Mini  toolpartition Wizard can be downloaded and used on W10. Good luck
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