2016-09-06 10:32 deepin
Have you rebooted and tried to connect--doubtful, but might help? Do you have a wifi adapter/dongle you could try? Can you reboot /turn off/on your router? These are long shots but worth a try. On the Manjaro forum is there anyone there with a similar problem? Good luck.
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I haven't been able to connect to the wifi network. As in the previous edition it's impossible to enter the password directly from the tray icon - it just tries to connect without asking for the password (I guess it's a Deepin design flaw). But this time I wasn't even able to enter the password in the settings panel. Whether I click on the network name or on the arrow to the right, it just seems to want to connect without asking for the password. I managed to get the password prompt just once, but unfortunately I clicked on the wrong network so that didn't work. Then I tried multiple times to get to the password prompt, without any success.
This seems to be an issue with Deepin DE rather than Manjaro, perhaps somehow related to the recent issues with the Network Manager.