Installation Failing
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2016-08-30 03:19
Hi All,
I have tried with 3 different downloads of 15.2 to install to 2 different drives using different methods and all come back with installation failed. I have in error posted it in the wrong forum I think.
So Ill put  a link here as its an insttallation issue. Perhaps a moderator could move it?
Any help appreciated.
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2016-08-30 04:11
So far I have downloaded 6.6Gb of ISO files and have worked through the suggestions below that may cause failure:
I have used USB 2 and 3 keys both have failed now with 3 different downloads of 15.2
Am I in the correct place with this thread?  Thanks

Please check the mirror Click here to view the methods
Use USB to guide installation and use Deepin Boot Maker to make startup disk
Fast startup in win8 has been deactivated
Use USB with high performance, USB with low I/O read and write speed will not enter the Live CD mode.
Use USB 2.0 interface. Failed Live cd environment due to USB 3.0 interface used.
Guide appears (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system, please check whether CDROM is plugged into the SATA3 interface
Deepin2014 and above versions support UEFI boot,but versions below Deepin 2014 not support.
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2016-08-30 07:06
Well on attempt no 10 on a 16Gb USB 2 key  (written using elemenatry disks utility) the install to my mSata drive worked.
This was more difficult / time consuming than the Windows 10 upgrade earlier this year.  I have though,hopefully, a much better operating system at the end of it
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