Installation issue.
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2016-08-28 07:56
Hi All,

I have tried a few times today to install deepin. I have booted into safe mode from an iso on a USB key in order to get to the installation log file.
The installation fails and I hav eshown the last few lines below.

Any insight would be much appreciated. Deepin looks great.

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+ grep -q '\'
+ ls /usr/share/i18n/locales
+ echo 'en_US is available'
en_US is available
** Message: [run_one_by_one]

+ '[' '!' -d /media/cdrom ']'
+ sed -i 's/^/#/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
+ apt-cdrom ident -d /media/cdrom -m
Using CD-ROM mount point /media/cdrom/
Identifying... [41365fa719f1b6fa55c81b62d55c2165-2]
Stored label:
+ apt-cdrom add -d /media/cdrom -m
Using CD-ROM mount point /media/cdrom/
Identifying... [41365fa719f1b6fa55c81b62d55c2165-2]
Scanning disc for index files...
Found 2 package indexes, 0 source indexes, 0 translation indexes and 0 signatures
Found label '\F0\AC\94\A0\85\F7\AF*\F6yV'
This disc is called:
Copying package lists...
Reading Package Indexes... 0%

Reading Package Indexes... 15%

Reading Package Indexes... Done
Writing new source list
Source list entries for this disc are:
deb cdrom:[\F0\AC\94\A0\85\F7\AF*\F6yV\00\E4Ar%\E2_\B7{\D3:~\DBD\CE*y\84\C9_\FA\8F\EF\80\FBw\815\B7\D5]/ unstable main
Repeat this process for the rest of the CDs in your set.
+ apt-get update
E: Malformed entry 6 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (URI)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
** Message: [run_one_by_one]

** (deepin-installer:3556): WARNING **: [run_one_by_one] run hook(/tmp/hooks/in_chroot/02-setup-cdrom-repository.job) failed: Child process exited with code 100

** Message: [installer_terminate]

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All Replies
2016-08-28 09:52
The problem is that deepin trys to mount the cd rom but you use an usb-dngle. Did you use the usb media creator or something elese?
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2016-08-28 10:33
The problem is that deepin trys to mount the cd rom but you use an usb-dngle. Did you use the usb me ...

I used a Linux application called 'Disks' on elementary. It has a restore function and the .iso is written to the usb key,hdd,sd card etc.
The odd thing is it makes it through most of the installation. Also when mounted on safe mode the OS works perfectly.
Should I then try to use the usb media creator from within deepin to create another usb installer?

Thanks for the reply
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2016-08-28 23:44
You should gave it a try
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2016-08-29 06:32
I tried with the deepin boot maker and this also fails with the error:
Debug: :0 "df" "--output=avail /media/deepin/DEEPINOS" "" true ""
Warning: :0 DiskFull
Warning: :0 "USB flash drive space is insufficient, ensure you have at least %1 free space."
Debug: :0 2
Debug: :0 to Failed

Its a 64Gb usb key and I selected the format drive option from the deepin boot maker interface.  I have a msata ssd that I would like to install deepin but I cant seem to get past these errors. The bootmaker said it was 95% complete at the point it failed.
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2016-08-29 07:15
And a different error when i try to install to the msata drive:
Reading Package Indexes... Done
Writing new source list
Source list entries for this disc are:
deb cdrom:[\F0\AC\94\A0\85\F7\AF*\F6yV\00\E4Ar%\E2_\B7{\D3:~\DBD\CE*y\84\C9_\FA\8F\EF\80\FBw\815\B7\D5]/ unstable main
Repeat this process for the rest of the CDs in your set.
+ apt-get update
E: Malformed entry 6 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (URI)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
** Message: [run_one_by_one]

** (deepin-installer:5722): WARNING **: [run_one_by_one] run hook(/tmp/hooks/in_chroot/02-setup-cdrom-repository.job) failed: Child process exited with code 100

** Message: [installer_terminate]
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2016-08-29 23:06
I have tried several ways to install deepin with a second downloaded image file. Each time it fails with a different error message.  Is deepin still being tested on this release?

The latest log error is below. Any insight would be most welcome. I have run out of ideas to get it to install.
++ CDROM=/lib/live/mount/medium
++ DI_LUPIN_ROOT=/lib/live/mount/findiso
+ L=en_US
+ declare -i MEM
++ awk '/^MemFree:/ {mem_free=$2} /^Buffers:/ {meme_free+=$2} /^Cacheed:/ {mem_free+=$2} END{print mem_free}' /proc/meminfo
+ MEM=14363108
+ '[' x = xunsquashfs ']'
+ '[' x = xfallback ']'
+ MEM=0
+ '[' 0 -le 3000000 ']'
+ echo '[Info] Detect free memory less than 3G'
[Info] Detect free memory less than 3G
+ ./extract_base_filesystem --lang en_US --live live
mount: /dev/loop1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
Detect source folder /var/lib/deepin-installer/source
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./extract_base_filesystem", line 427, in
  File "./extract_base_filesystem", line 411, in run
    raise InstallError("Copy file failed, Install failed")
__main__.InstallError: Copy file failed, Install failed
+ exit 1
** Message: [run_one_by_one]

** (deepin-installer:2307): WARNING **: [run_one_by_one] run hook(/usr/share/deepin-installer/hooks/before_chroot/21-extract-base-filesystem.job) failed: Child process exited with code 1

** Message: [installer_terminate]
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