How to disable volume up/down key bindings?
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2016-08-17 01:31
Edited by dancaer69 at 2016-8-16 21:51

I'm trying to disable the keyboard shortcuts for volume down/up which are binded to media keys, because I have a remote which I used it to volume up/down in kodi and it conflicts with this global binding. I tried to set it to none via gsettings command:
  1. gsettings set volume-up none
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  1. gsettings set volume-down none
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but even the key change those shortcuts still used.
Is the above commands wrong or is there another way to do it?
I have the same problem with other media keys as play, stop, next previous, which I want to disable them too
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2016-08-17 04:08
Edited by com_bvv at 2016-8-16 20:09

amixer set Master 10%+
amixer set Master 10%-  
amixer set Master toggle
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2016-08-17 05:27
What is this?
I'm not asking how to set the volume.
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2016-08-17 05:37
What is this?
I'm not asking how to set the volume.

difficulties of translation, sorry)
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2016-08-17 11:30
No one knows a way to do it?
I searched a lot and I couldn't find any information. I found this:
and I tried to comment out the entries for play,pause,stop,next,prev, vol+,vol-,mute, in "com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey.schema.xml" and ""
but nothing changed.
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2016-08-18 00:31
Edited by dancaer69 at 2016-8-17 16:52

Ok, seems that there is some bug with deepin, because I've managed to activate these keys in Kodi by editing the keyboard.xml file.
After that they worked in Kodi, but not in deepin volume which is fine. The problem is that if I use the deepin's sound indicator to change the volume, after that all media keys(not just these for volume, but also these for play/pause, stop) stop working until I logout and relogin. EDIT:
After reboot, seems that vol up/down working on Kodi(not jeneral but is fine), but no the play/stop buttons. These don't work and on keyboard and on remote control. Using xev I get this output :
  1. FocusIn event, serial 38, synthetic NO, window 0x6400001,
  2.     mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor

  3. KeymapNotify event, serial 38, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
  4.     keys:  2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
  5.            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
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and after some google search I found that this means that there is a bount to nothing on them. So seems that deepin has reserved these keys nothing.
I haven't any problem with all these keys and if I login to Kodi standalone or to XFCE, KDE.

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