2016-08-05 10:09 deepin
Edited by stevex at 2016-8-5 02:44
Your problem dual booting with W10 is, unfortunately, common. I saw a solution the other day where when you go straight to Windows you can enter a command as Administrator in W10 that will fix your booting problems and allow you to boot into either OS. Sorry to say, though, that I cannot remember the website where I saw that solution.It may have been on the Ubuntu forum. In any case it appeared to be a certifiable solution. If you do a search for dual booting W10 and Linux you should be able to find the command.Sorry I cannot be of more help.Good luck. I just found the command, below, in Ubuntu forum. Use at own risk, as is said.
* Replace "ubuntu" with "deepin" in command, I assume. You may want to read about it on Ubuntu forum before running this command.
Your problem dual booting with W10 is, unfortunately, common. I saw a solution the other day where when you go straight to Windows you can enter a command as Administrator in W10 that will fix your booting problems and allow you to boot into either OS. Sorry to say, though, that I cannot remember the website where I saw that solution.It may have been on the Ubuntu forum. In any case it appeared to be a certifiable solution. If you do a search for dual booting W10 and Linux you should be able to find the command.Sorry I cannot be of more help.Good luck. I just found the command, below, in Ubuntu forum. Use at own risk, as is said.
33[url=]down vote[/url]accepted | I just had to run this in windows as an administrator : bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi Grub appears fine on boot and I can boot into Ubuntu and Win10 fine. |
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I'm a long term Mac user who recently had to buy a PC for a project and want to use it to start learning Linux. Hopefully that will explain if I don't get all of the details right the first time around.
I'm attempting to dual boot with Windows 10.
Machine info:
Acer Aspire E 14
8GB Memory
1TB Hard drive
2.2GHz Core i5
I partitioned the drive to give me roughly 300GB for Deepin and was succesfully able to go through the USB boot and instalation. Once I restart, it goes straight to Windows. I'm unable to find any Grub or any other way to switch operating systems. I've tried reinstalling with no luck. I've adjusted the BIOS to load HDD first, still nothing. I've also turned off the safe login. I've tried pretty much everything I can think of. Everything seems to have been good on the install, but unable to figure out how to get into Deepin.
I've also tried reinstalling Deepin using expert mode, but have not been able to find a "Swap" option. Since everything I've seen indicates I need to set a Swap partition, I've cancelled each time I've tried.
Thanks in Advance,