Deepin as a member of Active Directory related problems
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2016-08-01 04:04
Hollo to all.

I'm testing Deepin for make it the default OS of the workstations of a AD network.
Currently, we have about 80 workstations running a mix of Windows XP/7/10 (x86). All are part of a AD domain (forest level Windows 2012 R2).
The main goal is replace all Windows OS by a Deepin Linux OS (the servers part is another history, with a nice mix of Linux -mostly debian-, Windows and FreeBSD).

Ok, so being the things..., I made a fresh install of Deepin 15.2 Desktop (amd64), then run a upgrade through aptitude, and then install samba related stuff.

Then, I try to join the machine using the realmd & sssd stuff (as described in this guide). However, no matter which packages have you installed on your system, for realm always are something missing (realm lies/bug of course):
  1. # realm list
      type: kerberos
      realm-name: DOMAIN.LOCAL
      domain-name: domain.local
      required-package: sssd-tools
      required-package: sssd
      required-package: libnss-sss
      required-package: libpam-sss
      required-package: adcli
      required-package: samba-common-bin
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Ok, when I started to see that this becomes very painfull, I decided to join as the "old school way" (as described in this another guide and such others, but still using sssd in pam related libs).

Great! I have my new Deepin as a part of the AD network. But, the LightDM forbidden to me to choose any other user that the one created during the OS install. So, I guess that is the fact to some related to LightDM, so I edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf (as described here), to make this changes:
  1. greeter-show-manual-login=true
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then, restart the lightdm (systemctl restart lightdm.service)... nothing. So, I supposed that maybe are something related to AccountsService, so I go to /var/lib/AccountsService/users/ (in where are one file per user, and simply copy one and change the name to see if finally i can get that LightDM let me choose another user and... nothing). So, I install sddm, change from lightdm to sddm, simply, I lost the chooser, have o display, ahh!!!

So, the unique form in that I can login with some AD user to Deepin Desktop is, stoping the Display Manager, login from a text console, and then run startx (very very old fashioned).

Of course, in the Deepin User Accounts, I can not modify nothing!

So.. someone here that can give me a hand with this? Please!!!! Really, really, I want to make a big deployment of Deepin Linux

Gretings and Thanks!!!!!!

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2017-06-21 12:33

did you try this script ?
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2017-12-07 17:28
Did you manage to solve it? I have tried everything and I have not been able to find the result.
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