how to improve performance.
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2016-07-07 08:11
Tenho um netbook atom, 2gb de ram queria saber o que ainda seria possivel para melhorar o desempenho do meu pode diminuir recursos graficos ou ate mesmo aplicacoes.

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2016-07-08 01:44

You start in English, let me think i could might help you, but than you continue in Spanish???

Sorry but not all of us are that good in Spanish. Please post your question in English.
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2016-07-09 11:01

1. ulissim are not spanish.. he is writing in Portugues
2. He is asking about improve the performance of Deepin in a  netbook atom with 2Gb of ram...

My answer..

You don need to do nothing spetial i think.... 2Gb is ok for Debian, maby limited but it work ok....
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2016-07-10 18:42
Edited by bobo at 2016-7-10 10:44

Try to use 2D windows manager. I remeber the keybinding is windows + tab

Another way to improve your system speed is to add more ram and replace hdd with ssd.

The final way is to use lxde, lxqt or xfce as your desktop.
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2016-07-11 01:51
Deepin very fast on my notebook!
Lenovo B590 - memory 1.5 Gb)Windows manager 3D)
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2016-07-11 23:52

1. ulissim are not spanish.. he is writing in Portugues

There you go.. Didn't noticed the difference between Spanish and Portuguese ;)

Improving performance with 2 gig memory? Keep in mind that a big chunk of your system memory will be used for the operating system/desktop environment and some services. So take (to be on the safe side) 25% of your system memory for operating system/desktop/services. In your case +/- 500mb of 2 gig leaves +/- 1.5 gig. And beside this, think about your onboard GPU which will take some bite of your system memory.

To enhance performance best is to avoid any eye-candy/compiz as this will eat some memory as well. Also avoid heavy-duty applications which consumes memory like heavy office applications or CAD applications and yes, even some video/photo editing tools.

But 2 gig will be sufficient as long you don't use heavy stuff.
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2016-07-11 23:56
Try to use 2D windows manager.

That's a good one! 3D windows managers use more memory than 2D windows managers (desktop environment).

Another way to improve your system speed is to add more ram and replace hdd with ssd.

If this can be done on the topic starters netbook ;)
But for desktop computers and laptops this is a great tip!

The final way is to use lxde, lxqt or xfce as your desktop

LXQT will be the successor or LXDE. But both are very lightweight consuming less than 150mb of memory. Also Xfce is low on memory. Both are great options for having a desktop environment running on low memory.
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2016-07-15 14:11
you can install bleachbit, is a software like ccleaner for linux.
with that you can improve the performance
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