slow update and unable to uninstall apps
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2016-06-20 17:49
Hey guys,

Ive been using linux on and off for the past 2 years, and no distro ever got my attention like deepin os, saddly I had to remove deepin because of the very slow mirrors.
I followed many guides and fixes for this issue but non worked for me.
and there was an annoying bug when I tried to uninstall any application notthing happens.
last time I used deepin was 2 month ago and I really hope that a fix for the mirrors is available.

thank you.
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2016-06-21 10:07
Hello. I also had problems with the slow mirrors until tried the "NLUUG" mirror in the Netherlands, which, so far, has been quite fast and reliable for updating and downloading. This was a surprise to me, for I am located in California, USA, which,obviously, is quite far from the Netherlands. Whether or no this mirror would work well for others in other locations, is questionable, but worth a try. If one clicks on the "NLUUG" http link, the download page actually states the current bandwith utilization, which I have not seen on any other mirror site. So maybe it is a question of just finding the right mirror. Good luck.
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