No Bluetooth And Wi-fi Disconnect Every few minutes
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2016-06-09 19:24
i ve installed deepin , but my problem is
No Bluetooth And Wi-fi Disconnect Every few minutes

how can i solve that ??
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2016-06-10 03:34
Hi, you start by identifying your hardware information, maybe others in forum have solution. Or try searching Debian Wiki or using Deepin User Feedback in your applications.
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2016-06-13 03:33
I think I posted about this here already, but I had a situation where, whenever I had a USB bluetooth dongle plugged in,  it would render my wireless connection almost unusable.  I even submitted a bug-report on this.  When it finally dawned on me that the problem disappeared when I removed the bluetooth dongle, I figured I'd get me a combined BT/Wifi card instead.  I ended up buying a Intel 7260 card.  Although I haven't tried it with Deepin, it works fine with Mint 17.3.

Or almost - the wireless connection is rock-solid, but I cannot send files over Bluetooth while the wireless is enabled, the connection timing out after sending just a few kb.  Disable wireless, and the problem disappears.  The opposite problem to what I was encountering with Deepin as it happens!
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