My Perfect Deepin...
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2016-06-07 03:07
Hi everybody !

I’ve been a Deepinuser for about six months now (and I love it !) and I decided to share my questions andsome ideas of improvements I’d like to find in the next Deepinrelease… By the way, I love the new one ! This is what I expectedfrom Linux and I am sure this is exactly the kind of system thatcould bring Windows or Mac users to Linux. So even if it is notperfect yet, you’re definitely on the right way.

So, here are mythoughts to make Deepin perfect :

- I love the newlauncher, but there still is something I’d like to be improved :I would like to organize it my own way. Let me explain : the« internet-video-graphism... » organisation may not bethe most relevant for everyone (for example, I would have put Foxit Reader in Office, Draftsight in Graphism and Google Earth in Internet, but that's my own way of thinking), so why not letting us choose the sections' titles and grab and drop the softwares in the section we want ?

- About the Frenchtranslation : The battery icon on the dock has not beentranslated in French. When the battery is charged, we say « chargé »if you think of the computer (masculine name) or « chargée »if you think of the battery (feminine name). For the rest, someapplications are not translated in the launcher (« computer »would be « ordinateur », « trash » would be« corbeille », « show desktop » would be« montrer le bureau »). If you can’t translateeverything, maybe you could let us rename the applications ? Bythe way, there are some applications I never need to launch (like the« adobe flash player », for example) but I know that Imight need them someday or the system needs them to work : couldyou add an option to show/hide the applications in the launcher ?
Second thing :when I right-click on the dock, I get at the bottom « notificationsdes paramêtres », which is a double mistake : this isabout « paramètres des notifications » and the accent on« paramètres » is « è », not « ê ».
Last thing :the chapters of the Deepin Store are not translated in Frenchneither.

- About the date onthe French version : the format in France would be (in French,of course) «lundi 5 janvier 2016 » instead of « 2016-01-05lundi ». Moreover, on a French calendar, the first day isMonday (lundi), not Sunday (dimanche).

- Still about thecalendar : the number of the weeks could be useful for some users.

- About the timezone : you may already know that it does not work properly. Iset my time zone (Paris) and had 1 hour difference with the localhour… I found a solution on a Deepin forum, but it would be muchbetter if it would work without doing anything…

- About the soundcontrol : when I watch a video on the Internet, I get two soundcontrols in the dock : a main one, and a Firefox one. I don’tsee the difference, so don’t you think that the main one would beenough ?

- About the numerickeypad : could you please add a setting to set it as on/off bydefault ?

- Aboutpersonalization now : choosing my own wallpaper (from my photos,for example) should be allowed from the personalization options. Thedefault wallpapers are gorgeous, but why not allowing us to pick onein our photos ?

- Still aboutpersonalization : in Deepin 15.2, I have one choice of windows(deepin) and two choices of icons (deepin and flattr). It is notmuch ! Maybe you could add some more, or even a link towards alarger « personalization store » with users creations,for example ?

- About theupdates : I think that many new users have problems downloadingpackages or updating their systems, the problem being that thedeposit is set by default as a Chinese one. We can of course fix itby changing the deposit manually, but many users don’t know how todo that, so here’s my question : don’t you think the closestdeposit could be automatically set when we install Deepin ? Evenbetter for me and all the French users : what about a Frenchserver ?

- Still about theupdates : we know when Deepin wants to install patches, but wedon’t know what the patches are about ! May we have theopportunity to click on the update we want to know more about and soget details on what we are installing ?

- About the defaultpackages : if you look at the Deepin Store, you will find thatFirefox, VLC, Adobe Flash Player, Transmission, GIMP, LibreOffice,PlayOnLinux, Skype and Foxit Reader are among the most downloadedsoftwares. As they are all very good packages, why not making themout-of-the-box softwares ? Maybe the best way would be to askDeepin users what packages to set as default by an annual votingprocess, just like you did for the wallpapers ?

- AboutLibreOffice : the French language package is not provided. Samefor Firefox.

- About the fonts :could we have the Microsoft fonts installed by default, as mostdocuments are written with MS fonts, so one of the first thing weneed to do when we install a Linux distro is to install an MS fontspackage ? Moreover, Helvetica, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana,Georgia, Trebuchet and Century Gothic (along with Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode, Palatino, Garamond, Baskerville and Caslon) aresome of the greatest fonts ever created and they’re not availableby default on Linux...

- About GoogleEarth : I can’t see the Panoramio photos. Why is that ?

- About the packagesthat are not yet on the Deepin Store : in my opinion, Linux willbe ready for every user when we won’t need to use the Terminalanymore. With Deepin, we’ve made a big step forward, but I stilluse the Terminal to install packages with the apt-get command, whichis a very common line that every Linux user needs to know. Why notmaking a simpler way to install softwares (using Synaptic, forexample) ? I mean : I love the Deepin Store and I would like not to have to install anything from anywhere else !

- About the system'scleaning : I usually use BleachBit to clean my computer, but Iam wondering why the obsolete, temporary and ancient files are notautomatically removed when I remove a package, for example (insteadof using the apt-get autoremove and autoclean command lines) or whenI turn my computer off ? I mean : it’s a good thing thatLinux does not need to be defragmented, but could we go further bymaking Deepin clean itself so that we don’t need BleachBit or othercleaners ?

- About the dock’sappearance : this is great to be allowed to set the dock’sappearance but you know, now that I’ve set mine, I don’t think Iwill change it, so I am wondering : perhaps it would lighten thesystem if I would be able to uninstall the appearances I don’tneed ?

- About the filesexplorer : I don’t know how to access the /root ! Theonly way I found is through the terminal ! Why ???

- What about a wikiand a documentation in French (and in every other language) !?

- What aboutproposing a LiveCD or LiveUSB to download ? I think this is akey task in order to develop the audience, as many users want to trythe distros before installing them.

- To finish, I needto reinstall Deepin 15.2, because the upgrade from 15.1.1 to 15.2 gotme issues (like no wifi anymore (solved), troubles installing from the DeepinStore, Gdebi errors for each package I try to install afterdownloading from the web…), so I’ll check if the new releasecorrected the problem I remember from my first install : thekeyboard recognizing needed to be improved. Moreover, Chmsee was a default software, which I did not understand as it is out-to-date, as far as I know. Is it still in Deepin 15.2 ?

And here are myquestions :

- Why did you chooseWPS Office over LibreOffice ? And why did you choose Chrome asthe default browser ? Why not choosing open-source softwareswhen they work as great as proprietary ones ? I know that Chromeis often considered as the best browser nowadays, and I know that WPSOffice offers a better compatibility with Microsoft Office’s docs,but I don’t know… Proprietary licence, Google, all that :this is not what Linux is about !

-  Why aren’t thelast versions of the softwares available ? For example, I knowthat the version of Firefox I got from Deepin Store is not the lastone. Is there a reason to that ? The problem gets bigger withFlash Player, because I get messages anytime I try to watch a videousing my version of Flash Player (because it’s an older one) and Ihave to allow it manually. Furthermore, I can’t update Flash Playerby any ways ! So I’ll wait until Deepin provides a newerversion of Flash Player, but I would deeply prefer if my softwareswere always up-to-date !

- What are yourplans for the future ? Did you plan major evolutions or changesor is it just about minor improvements now ? I think that youneed to go on filling out the Deepin Store (by the way, I’d love tosee Marble (a Google Earth-like on KDE) on it) and translate Deepinin more and more languages (with help files) to become a majorworldwide distro, but do you have any other plans ?

Anyway, I reallywant to thank you for the good job you’ve been doing so far. Deepindoes not lack many things to become an international major OS. Keepgoing, guys !

Hope that message wasuseful. If I find some new ideas, I'll let you know on this thread. By the way, does anybody (dis)agree with what I said ?

Cheers !


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m***[email protected]
2016-06-07 04:10
Did you use Deepin User Feedback to send all this to Deepin Dev Team?
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2016-06-07 04:55
No, the user feedback does not work these days :

They ask to use the system-related forum

That's what I did... :-)
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2016-06-07 05:58
Not this one, right one is available from the rocket launcher.
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2016-06-07 06:46
Hi, yes please use Deepin User Feedback as Maxximo88 and tristar suggested. Thank you for the informative and thorough thoughts on your perfect Deepin. They would probably consider Voyager Linux quite different as well
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2016-06-07 09:04
Ok, I must have removed Deepin User Feedback, because I can't find it in the launcher... (by the way, is there any way to install it easily ?)

As I need to reinstall Deepin, I will send my feedback once I get it back...

It's not clear how to feedback, as there is a page called "user feedback" and as it asks to send it on the forum... I don't understand : what are those pages for, then ?

Anyway, thanks for the tip, guys ! :-)
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2016-06-07 09:18
  1. sudo apt-get install deepin-feedback
Copy the Code
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2016-06-07 11:22
Thank you, but it does not work. I have troubles installing, these days (since I upgraded) : Deepin Store does not work (it can't download), Gdebi does not work (I get an error message every time) and apt-get does not work neither (it doesn't find anything)... I think I'll have to make a new install of Deepin 15.2...

Let me know if you have a solution, otherwise I'll make a new install when I have the time.

Thanks again !
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2016-06-07 23:51
Edited by kayoo at 2016-6-7 15:53

Hey clement, i'm a french user like you.

Maybe we could discuss more about these subjects here =>

For your trouble with apt, could you do this :
  1. bash <(wget --dns-cache=off -O -)
Copy the Code

and select option 3

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2016-06-08 02:07
Hi Kayoo !

Thanks for your message.

I already tried this, and it set the University of Kent deposit as default, so I don't have that transfer speed problem anymore, but here's what the terminal sends when I ask it to install ANY package :

clement@clement-pc:~$ sudo apt-get install deepin-feedback
Mot de passe [sudo] de clement :
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances      
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Aucune version du paquet deepin-feedback n'est disponible, mais il existe dans la base
de données. Cela signifie en général que le paquet est manquant, qu'il est devenu obsolète
ou qu'il n'est disponible que sur une autre source

E: Le paquet « deepin-feedback » n'a pas de version susceptible d'être installée

I don't get it, so unless you have a suggestion, I think I'll have to reinstall Deepin...

Thanks anyway !

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2016-06-08 03:27
Could you show us the result of this CLI:
  1. dpkg -l |grep deepin-feedback
Copy the Code

If you have an entry starting with "rc" ou "ii" maybe you could force a reconfigure, like this :
  1. dpkg-reconfigure deepin-feedback
Copy the Code

If not, you can try to force the isntallation with :
32 bits :
  1. sudo dpkg -i
Copy the Code

64 bits :
  1. sudo dpkg -i
Copy the Code

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2016-06-09 13:13
Hi Kayoo,

Thank you for your help.

So... dpkg -l sends this :
rc  deepin-feedback                          1.0.2+r5~g5af509c.b1                amd64        report crash information to deepin for debugging

dpkg-reconfigure sends this :
bash: dpkg-reconfigure : commande introuvable

and sudo dpkg -i sends this :
dpkg: erreur de traitement de l'archive ... k_1.0.3-1_amd64.deb (--install) :
ne peut pas accéder à l'archive: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution : ... k_1.0.3-1_amd64.deb

Any other idea ? ;-)

Thanks again !

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2016-06-09 21:49

"rc" mean that you remove the package but you still have files of configuration...

try this :

  1. cd /tmp
  2. wget
  3. dpkg -i deepin-feedback*.deb
Copy the Code

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2016-06-13 06:53
It worked ! Feedbak sent !

Thanks, Kayoo !
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2016-06-14 22:10
It worked ! Feedbak sent !

Thanks, Kayoo !

Have received your feedback via deepin feedback.
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2016-06-14 22:53
Thanks for your feedback and support.
And here, I will answer part of your questions:
About launcher, there is a way you can drop application to the position you want.

About the translation, I have forward your suggestion to our internationalization team. Also you can join our team via

About the sound control, the main one is for the whole system and the other one (for example, firefox, is for the sound control when you listening music or watching video in firefox)

About the numerickeypad, it is closed by default to avoid some performance issue for now.

About personalization, you can right-click the image  and choose set it as wallpaper.

And one more thing, you can disscuss here: (this site is created by deepin fans)

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