2017-07-23 20:57 deepin
The first time I started using Deepin Linux, a Chinese linux distro, was the beginning of this year. It was an awesome experience out-of-box but the only problem for me was writing Bangla with Unijoy layout. Unijoy layout can be easily installed in any Ubuntu based distribution where iBus is the default input method. Since most of the popular linux distributions are based on Ubuntu, it was not an issue before. I found Deepin OS doesn't have iBus installed default. So, I installed iBus, but it didn't work. I wrote about this issue in Deepin's Google Plus Page, and they responded quickly and I was able to solve the issue.
Then my taste changed suddenly when I saw Elementary OS. I was amazed by the aesthetics of the OS and installed it. Fortunately it had iBus by default, but unfortunately it had the same issue, I couldn't able to use Unijoy. However, after following the same process, I failed to get response from eOS's google plus support. So, I abandoned eOS and installed another new distro of Ubuntu - Ubuntu Gnome. It was really a stable OS without any issue but it was not so stunning.
After changing Ubuntu Gnome to eOS and still finding no solution of Bangla problem and support from the community few weeks before I again install Deepin with its latest version 2014.3. I thought I could solve the Bangla issue without any problem, but I was wrong. I forgot the actual process. I review my post on G+ and follow through each process, but still I got stuck in somewhere. I again write for help, but this time I have found no response.
Today, all on a sudden, I have found the solution myself. So, I thought it would be helpful for all unijoy bangla keyboard loving Bangladeshi Deepin Users if I clearly mention the steps. Here it goes:
Then my taste changed suddenly when I saw Elementary OS. I was amazed by the aesthetics of the OS and installed it. Fortunately it had iBus by default, but unfortunately it had the same issue, I couldn't able to use Unijoy. However, after following the same process, I failed to get response from eOS's google plus support. So, I abandoned eOS and installed another new distro of Ubuntu - Ubuntu Gnome. It was really a stable OS without any issue but it was not so stunning.
After changing Ubuntu Gnome to eOS and still finding no solution of Bangla problem and support from the community few weeks before I again install Deepin with its latest version 2014.3. I thought I could solve the Bangla issue without any problem, but I was wrong. I forgot the actual process. I review my post on G+ and follow through each process, but still I got stuck in somewhere. I again write for help, but this time I have found no response.
Today, all on a sudden, I have found the solution myself. So, I thought it would be helpful for all unijoy bangla keyboard loving Bangladeshi Deepin Users if I clearly mention the steps. Here it goes:
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glad to be here and thanks for giving us a nice linux distribution. i m from Bangladesh. i can't write banga in my deepin . is it possible to install ibus ingine in Deepin ?? Beacause i know a linux Software Called 'Avro' Based on ibus . but in deepin can't change my keyboard layout ! so how can i shift English to Bangla easily ??
any solution ??
Avro Source Code :
Advance Thanks.
Swarup Saha