I Can Place Monitors Inside of Monitors
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2016-05-27 18:28
Under the 'Display' settings it is possible in 'Custom Settings' to place a monitor so that it overlaps another mointor, causings strange results. Often if I do this by acciedent I must restart my computer. This is unintentional behaviour right?

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2016-05-27 18:29
Also having it lock, as oppsed to going into another monitor, would be very useful for making sure the gap between monitors is 0.
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2016-05-27 19:47
Hi, I believe they are aware of this issue.
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2016-05-27 21:34
Cool, thanks.
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2016-06-02 16:59
I've updated to Deepin 15.2. A recap of the monitor problems; there is this thread (being able to place monitors inside of each other) and another thread about multiple monitor set ups not being persistent between boots.

I believe with the update they are persistent. So yay and thank you all. Problem is you can still place monitors inside of each other, making my system persistently broken, haha. I'm using it in single monitor. Is there a text file I can edit or delete to give me another shot setting up dual monitors correctly?

P.S (Once this thread is resolved, both issues will be gone completely )
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2016-06-02 17:26
I've updated to Deepin 15.2. A recap of the monitor problems; there is this thread (being able to pl ...

Hi, yes the control center has changed some. In previous version I was able to move monitors inside of each other using the control center Display options, that appears to be removed. How are you able to place monitors inside of each other now ?
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2016-06-02 18:23
I'm fairly certain I did it through the control center under 'Display'. Just drag and drop, then you can't hit cancel. I've hit the 'Reset' button but that doesn't work. Is there perhaps a file somewhere I can edit or delete?
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2016-06-02 18:48
I'm fairly certain I did it through the control center under 'Display'. Just drag and drop, then you ...

In 15.1.1 their was a file that I experimented with but it did not seem to produce changes. I used a xrandr script and placed in ~./xprofile though currently in 15.2 its not working properly with my Quad monitor workstation and have not had time to figure out. you can read more about it here
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2016-06-02 19:52
I see. I've tried purging and reinstalling xserver-xorg but that didn't work. Could I reinstall some part of the OS to not have to reinstall Deepin?
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2016-06-02 20:02
I see. I've tried purging and reinstalling xserver-xorg but that didn't work. Could I reinstall some ...

Not that I know of. I do not recall your monitor information but you could try reset with extended mode and see if that helps
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2016-06-02 21:24
I have 1 1440p and one 1080p monitor. I can't set it to extend because I can only operate Deepin with 1 monitor. As soon as I plug in my other monitor both screen turn black and I can't do anything.
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2016-06-03 18:21
I have 1 1440p and one 1080p monitor. I can't set it to extend because I can only operate Deepin wit ...

Hi and if remember right your using a N card ? It seemed to me that in 15.1 things were kind of backwards and now in 15.2 extend works better for my dual monitor system with N card. But first I have to set to advanced and then log out and then set it to extend and log out. I think there was a file in the home directory if I find the old post in forum I will let you know.
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2016-06-04 17:38
Thanks a bunch Dance ! If others encounter something similar just navigate from you home directory to .config and 'mv deepin_monitors_custom.json deepin_monitors_custom.json.bak'. I then restarted my computer with the second monitor hooked up this time.
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2016-06-04 18:32
Thanks a bunch Dance ! If others encounter something similar just navigate from you home director ...

Now I remember in the past I tried to edit the file. But I like your method better.
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2016-06-04 20:35
No worries. About time I found the solution first
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