2nd Monitor Woes
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2016-05-11 02:14
When using a second monitor in Deepin it comes up in the right place and I can configure it so that the mouse goes between them. When I press Super, however, the application launcher will appear half on one screen and half on the other. Please work with me as I troubleshoot this issue.

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2016-05-11 03:47
Hi, Welcome to the Deepin Forum. This is a know issue they are working on. A work around the problem is to use the Smart hide mode of the dock.
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2016-05-12 01:01
Thanks for the reply Dance. I found this helpful and I wish the team good luck in fixing this issue completely. What would the timeframe be? They are not waiting on Wayland or anything are they? What does Deepin use? Is it X?

Many thanks xolotl
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2016-05-12 04:54
Thanks for the reply Dance. I found this helpful and I wish the team good luck in fixing this issue  ...

Hi, Yes Deepin uses X.org with a Gala based windows manager. I do not know there eta for solving this bug.
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2016-05-19 03:00
Switched to the free nvidia drivers to see what would happen and two screens is MUCH worse, with artifacts. Just FYI.

Back on the new drivers the inital problem is not easily reproducable, which is great. The only thing is that my 'Custom' configuration of monitor placment is reset each time I turn my computer on. How can I make the placement permenent? Will the devs be able to fix this for users without the will to do workarounds?
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2016-05-19 05:40
Edited by dance707 at 2016-5-18 07:57
Switched to the free nvidia drivers to see what would happen and two screens is MUCH worse, with art ...

Hi, Most users are able to make Custom changes permanent just by clicking Confirm in the custom settings log out and back in. What version of Nvidia driver are you using and what are your monitor settings ?
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2016-05-19 16:01
I'm using NVIDIA Driver 352.79-2+deepin. My primary monitor DVI-I is a 2560 x 1440p 27" monitor, with my secondary monitor being 1920 x 1080p that has to be on the left.

In settings both monitors are enabled DVI-I-1 is set as primary.
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2016-05-20 02:47
I'm using NVIDIA Driver 352.79-2+deepin. My primary monitor DVI-I is a 2560 x 1440p 27" monitor, wit ...

Hi, Possible because your primary monitor is on the right and you need the mouse to travel from right to left ?
For my quad monitor workstation I use a xrandr script and place it in  ~/.xprofile  I do not remember if xrandr works well with the 352.79 driver.
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