Possible BUG Window Options
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2016-05-03 15:56
Edited by gmengass at 2016-5-3 08:44

I first tested Deepin 15.1.1 on a VM which worked great. Since installing in on my system i have become very frustrated as it is behaving differently compared to the VM install. I am not too sure how to describe my problem but i am unable to right click on the top of windows on certain applications. Sometimes it gives me options and sometime not. please see some screen shots that will help me explain to you:

so for example on the gnome terminal in my vm if i right click the at the top of the window i get the following menu. on my native installation if i right click nothing at all happens. I get no response what so ever. This also occurs with Firefox as well as other applications


I've noticed there is a slight difference between the two windows. This menu is only accessable  if the x button has a red circle. top one is VM. bottom window is native

This one is also wieird different options for the file manager, like seriously what the hell is this about only giving me the option to close?

VM only giving me an option to close?

ative giving me a full menu

What the hell is going on here, its driving me nuts...

I can give countless examples. Has anybody else experienced this? does anybody know how to fix it??

Thank you in advance for any help, its much appreciated.

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2016-05-03 16:27
Hi Welcome to the Deepin Forum. Your screen shots are not displaying in the forum. Please try to edit post and send. Are you using open source or proprietary graphics driver ?. Are you using the Deepin terminal or have you install gnome terminal ?
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2016-05-03 16:53
Hi Welcome to the Deepin Forum. Your screen shots are not displaying in the forum. Please try to edi ...

Hi Dance707m, thanks for the reply, hopefully the screen shots a are visible now. I have both but gave the example of the gnome terminal.  its not just that though this problem is also with firefox and sublime text for example as well as the Deepin Terminal. I have not installed additional drivers.
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2016-05-03 17:05
Hi Dance707m, thanks for the reply, hopefully the screen shots a are visible now. I have both but  ...

I see your screen shots now. There was a similar issue with affecting just Mozilla products back in Febuary with Deepin 15.1 but that has been fixed in version 15.1.1 on March 9
Since then there has been no reports of what your showing. Was it doing this before you installed the dark theme ?
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2016-05-04 01:27
Hi Dance707m,

Yes this problem existed before I tried any kind of modification to the system.
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2016-05-04 01:28
I see your screen shots now. There was a similar issue with affecting just Mozilla products back i ...

Hi Dance707m,

Yes this problem existed before I tried any kind of modification to the system.
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2016-05-04 02:05
Hi Dance707m,

Yes this problem existed before I tried any kind of modification to the system.

Hi, I would suggest using the Deepin User Feedback tool in your applications with a default install and it will detect your system infromation.
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2016-05-04 14:35
Hi, I would suggest using the Deepin User Feedback tool in your applications with a default instal ...

Hi Dance, I did a fresh install which did not change anything however the nvidia drivers partially fixed the bug. it seems like only the file manager is unable to display the right click menu.
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2016-05-04 14:56
Hi Dance, I did a fresh install which did not change anything however the nvidia drivers partially ...

Hi, sounds like you made some progress. It's unusual that a system does not work with the default open source driver. What is your hardware information ? Also you may want to see this post regarding Deepin's up-and-coming Linux kernel plan.
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