Thank you!!
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2016-04-14 12:59
Im very happy with deepin, its by far the best linux distro i tried.

I use it in my laptop, my tv pc,
My wife uses it on her laptop
One of my uncles uses it in his older pc
One of my neighbours use it.

I dont use deepin in my desktop because you guys dont support LVM during instalation, when that changes deepin will be in my main desktop distro.

Thank you very much for the masterpiece deepin is.

Best regards

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2016-04-14 13:35
Welcome to the Deepin Forum. I have not heard of any plans to add the LVM feature to there community desktop version of Deepin. Though you can always use Deepin User Feedback in your applications to suggest this idea.
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2016-04-14 13:42
My desktop has 2,5 tb in combined sdd and hdd, i like to install the OS in the sdd and then unify the hard drives into a logical drive, and thanks for the welcome!
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2016-04-14 13:53
My desktop has 2,5 tb in combined sdd and hdd, i like to install the OS in the sdd and then unify th ...

Deepin has been the best solution for my quad monitor workstation. Though I understand the community desktop version it is targeted for the average home user or small office. I don't know if there is a manual solution for you with LVM or not. Or if they would consider the feature if enough users sumit feedback.
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