Adding/Removing keyboard language for input. (IDEA)
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2016-04-14 07:31
Its not so intuitive when you picking up and adding some keyboard language input in the control center and then trying to remove these language from list I await that it remove highlighted (means selected) item rather then I should then press on side (+) icon so that removes none highlighted (selected) keyboard input method. But I know its by design of whole control center. I suggest that it can be fixed up for newcomers with some tooltips popup or any animation that simply in visual way describes how to operate within the Deepin control center controls, buttons and such things which is as I see used in unusual way compared to traditional linux environments.

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2016-04-14 09:18
With the Deepin Conrol Center and some of Deepin's apps you can press f1 key to get the help menu.

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2016-04-14 09:36
Here is a link regarding the Deepin Manuals
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2016-04-14 11:13
With the Deepin Conrol Center and some of Deepin's apps you can press f1 key to get the help menu.


Thanks but F1-F4 and more functional keys bindings needed to me for dota 2 rather then calling for help ;D so I unbind recently F4 cause it just opens up guake on a full screen when I press F4 key to open up in game shop in dota 2 valve game. Same here is for ALT and super/win keys in Ubuntu Unity......these more then usability hotkey hell and it is clear that people who develop these bindings and shells have never been basic gamer so they never understand how these uncomfortable.

And I just call it quick help like tooltips in windows (analogue) not a windows F1 chm help which I found mostly usless to me cause I never read these help actually.

Maybe I am wrong......I dont know.
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2016-04-14 11:14
Here is a link regarding the Deepin Manuals ...

Its well crafted anyway.
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2016-04-14 11:20
Its well crafted anyway.

Deepin is very unique and as explained in the above link you can also access the manuals form terminal if you care to read them.
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