Multi-Monitor display settings not sticking after logout/reboot
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2016-03-19 11:18
Loving the distro so far but I am having an issue with the display settings not sticking after a logout or reboot. I have a dual monitor setup with identical monitors using the AMD proprietary driver with a Radeon (Sapphire) HD 7770. I have also tested it using the xserv-org-video-ati (recommended). Any help would be appreciated.
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2016-03-19 12:04
What version of Deepin are you using ? Have you set your primary monitor in Control panel display settings ?
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2016-03-19 21:16
Version 15.1.1 x64.
I have to use the display custom selection to rearrange my monitors. I then set the primary monitor and everything works fine until I reboot or logout. I then tried using the AMD propriety driver which shows an error during install but after cancelling and trying to enable it again it shows that its using the proprietary driver... then when I reboot after that it crashes into a blinking cursor and I have to reinstall again.
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2016-03-19 21:52
Version 15.1.1 x64.
I have to use the display custom selection to rearrange my monitors. I then set  ...

I have two AMD systems I use the Custom Settings select primary display then you have to click Confirm. And a pop up notification will ask you if you want to keep these display settings. I use the default open source driver and it works fine for me even after reboot or logout. If your using more than 2 monitors the procedure is different. As far as the AMD proprietary driver I have tested and its not exactly compatible.
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2016-03-19 22:00
Version 15.1.1 x64.
I have to use the display custom selection to rearrange my monitors. I then set  ...

If you get a blinking cursor on reboot , sounds to me like you need to do a clean install to remove the proprietary driver.
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2016-03-19 22:22
So here is my conclusion. I have 2 monitors: "Left Monitor" and "Right Monitor". I need the "Right Monitor" to be my primary desktop.

If I set my "Left Monitor" as the primary desktop under "Control Center/Display" then everything works fine. I can move between left and right monitors correctly. If I set my "Right Monitor" as the primary desktop then after a  logout/reboot, I cannot move between monitors correctly... In order to get on my "Left Monitor" I have to travel to the far right of my "Right Monitor" and vice versa.
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2016-03-19 22:30
So here is my conclusion. I have 2 monitors: "Left Monitor" and "Right Monitor". I need the "Right M ...

Yes I don't know why the default is backwards like that , need to select left monitor has primary.  But if your proprietary AMD driver failed to install correctly it may not work until complete removal
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2016-03-19 22:34
Edited by dance707 at 2016-3-18 23:45
So here is my conclusion. I have 2 monitors: "Left Monitor" and "Right Monitor". I need the "Right M ...

You have to select the Left as primary. Then need to log out or reboot for things to be correct. Then you will not have to travel the wrong direction
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2016-03-20 09:46
Yeah. It's unfortunate because I love the look and feel of Deepin but I need the right monitor to be the primary for my setup. Regarding the AMD Proprietary driver... I have tried installing it after a clean install and every time I reboot I get nothing but a blinking "_" in the top left corner of the screen and can not do anything. I was hoping to switch to this distro but I may have to wait a little bit. Thanks for your time.
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2016-03-20 15:27
Yeah. It's unfortunate because I love the look and feel of Deepin but I need the right monitor to be ...

If your using only the default open source driver another way of selecting monitors is by using xrandr to select the position and the primary display. This will allow special setups to work correctly.
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2016-03-21 08:42
Thank you. I will look into that.
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