Fresh install of Deepin 2015.1 no updates
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2016-02-25 14:44
Hi guys ! Just did a fresh install of Deepin 2015.1 from the same USB stick I installed it some weeks ago. However this time, it seems like it does not want to recognize any updates, and it keeps telling me that my system is up to date. I know the first 2 updates are Patches and Chrome, they are not listed on this fresh install. Also the Deepin website and forum are loading very very slow for me and when I try to install anything from the Deepin Store is just not working, the speed is very very slow. Please help !

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2016-02-25 14:58
This post here explains the proper way to change your update mirror
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2016-02-25 15:03
But last time I installed from the same memory stick it worked all by itself,picked the best mirror and everything. That's why I dont understand what its going on now, last week this was not an issue...
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2016-02-25 15:05
But last time I installed from the same memory stick it worked all by itself,picked the best mirror  ...

I don't understand that either. But what is your location ?
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2016-02-25 15:14
USA...i've tried changing the mirrors and still no updates available... I have installed the latest version of Deepin 2015.1 from this exact memory stick on several PC's and worked fine and immediately after the installation it would prompt for updates and would pick the best mirror with great speed. This time it is not behaving in the same manner.
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2016-02-25 15:17
USA...i've tried changing the mirrors and still no updates available... I have installed the latest  ...

I would try from the command line then. Open a terminal and type :

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade
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2016-02-25 15:31
Tried and 0 upgraded o newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

But every other time I did a fresh install of Deepin 2015.1 I had these 2 updates  listed in Control Center : Chrome and Patches...and now they are not there. Did something change ?

Can anyone make a fresh install fast and please let me know if they are having the same issue ? Thanks !
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2016-02-25 15:35
Tried and 0 upgraded o newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

But every other time I did ...

I did a fresh install on a spare computer just the other day and it worked okay. I beginning to think that your fresh install might not have been done correctly. Because you should have a few updates and patches. Did the fresh install get installed to a different location on hard drive ?
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2016-02-25 15:39
Tried and 0 upgraded o newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

But every other time I did ...

Also it would be helpful if you post a screen shot of those 2 commands

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
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2016-02-25 15:42
Yes, it is on a different partition on my SSD I'm dual booting with windows 7.

Also just noticed, sometimes at restart it takes a long time to actually load the  taskbar.
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2016-02-25 15:47
Yes, it is on a different partition on my SSD I'm dual booting with windows 7.

The terminal output looks okay finding
What I meant was that possible your reinstall was not the same spot as the Deepin was before. After reinstall was there any difference in your desktop ?
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2016-02-25 15:49
Yes, it is on a different partition on my SSD I'm dual booting with windows 7.

I also noticed that your time zone is incorrect on your desktop

When you reinstall you should select time zone first by selecting your location
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2016-02-25 15:56
Yes, it is on a different partition on my SSD I'm dual booting with windows 7.

The upper right hand corner you should select Time Zone
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2016-02-25 17:06
Edited by nills at 2016-2-25 11:11

Thanks, I will try to reinstall it. I will come back with the results.

LE : Could anyone please post a tutorial on how to install Deepin 2015.1 along with win 7 so dual boot works ? I've tried following tutorials from the web but I cannot create the 3 partitions, I can make the / and the /home but not the /swap for some reason...
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2016-02-25 21:18
Thanks, I will try to reinstall it. I will come back with the results.

LE : Could anyone please pos ...

I did not notice you updated post. I could take a look at the Deepin Wiki
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2016-02-26 09:58
I just noticed now that everytime I try to install Deepin 2015.1 the GNU Grub looks really different, it's black and white without the Deepin logo on top...i have no idea how to fix this. I will try to remake the USB I guess ?
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2016-02-26 11:38
I just noticed now that everytime I try to install Deepin 2015.1 the GNU Grub looks really different ...

Sorry I don't dual boot with windows. I think that topic has been covered previously in forum. I stop using windows many years ago.
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2016-02-26 11:46
Sorry I don't dual boot with windows. I think that topic has been covered previously in forum. I s ...

"I stop using windows many years ago."

Me too! And living happier ever since. :-)
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2016-02-26 11:52
I just noticed now that everytime I try to install Deepin 2015.1 the GNU Grub looks really different ...

The title of your post is no updates after install .Today there is a very large update from Deepin. To get better help you can search this forum or start a new post titled dual boot. And try to upload screen shots even if you have to use a cell phone.
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2016-02-26 12:53
Edited by nills at 2016-2-26 04:54

Back with another install, this time just Deepin 2015.1 without dual boot, with a new bootable USB, with a formatted SSD drive, same issues, I think Deepin is having issues with their update servers. Right after the install is done it's just saying there is no new update and that my system is up to date.
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2016-02-26 12:59
Back with another install, this time just Deepin 2015.1 without dual boot, with a new bootable USB,  ...

I don't understand why your getting that there is no updates. Today there is many updates from Deepin. The update servers  are very busy right now but that does not explain why your systems says no updates available.
You could try reporting this issue on Deepin User Feedback in your applications. But my guess that the problem is on your end. Are you trying to do more than 1 install ?
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