How to run deepin 15 ARM beta0.6 on NanoPi2
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2016-01-30 01:53

1. Extract the image file 16g.img by tar -xf deepin15_nanopi2_armhf_16g.tar.gz.

2. Prepare a microSD card not less than 16GB and plug it into the Linux host. Obtain the device name of SD card by linux command: sudo fdisk -l, that is /dev/sd*

3. Burn the ISO to microSD card by dd command. We assume that the microSD card is /dev/sdc (Please select the device according to the actual conditions), then execute the following command:

  1. sudo dd if=16g.img of=/dev/sdc
Copy the Code

(The burning time is generally 40 to 60 minutes depending on the read/wirte performance of microSD card)

4. Plug the SD card into the device, and you can experience the deepin15 after powering on.


1. Both username and password are deepin, root password is admin.

2. It will be slower to boot at the first time due to some configuration files which will be generated .

3. It will be slower to boot if wireless network is enabled. Please be patient and wait untill the sound and wireless network modules in the lower right corner are displayed, we will continue to optimize later.

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2016-08-09 16:29
Hi. Any idea if this image will run on a Raspberry Pi 2? Thanks
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