I regret installing deepin!
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2016-01-27 15:21
Yup I am! I was using manjaro based-on arch linux, I never liked Debian stuff, going back to install manjaro or even arch itself, they both just great..


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2017-06-22 06:31
Well everyone with their favorite Linux distro
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2016-01-28 01:04
Edited by tristar at 2016-1-27 10:07

Well, you should first use it in virtualbox, to see if it meets your expectations. Anyway, I'm using it in production pc and for now I can live with few bugs and leak of wobbly windows effect ;)
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2016-01-28 16:38
Well, you should first use it in virtualbox, to see if it meets your expectations. Anyway, I'm usi ...

How could you  live with the layouts bug, that when you change the kb layout to another language, the basic shortcuts stop working, eg. ctrl+c/v  etc..
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2016-01-28 23:32
How could you  live with the layouts bug, that when you change the kb layout to another language,  ...

obviously I do not have this bug, I have slovenian kb and I do not use other kb layouts.
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2016-01-29 15:28
For me, I am very happy with this Distro.  I prefer it over Mint.  The boot loader options are always there if I want to change to Windows or Mint.  Play On Linux preconfigured all of the Wine gizmos without problem and has been working to install Windows programs.  They have problems but for out of the box Linux, I loved it.
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2016-01-30 05:27
obviously I do not have this bug, I have slovenian kb and I do not use other kb layouts.

Just Slovenian kb layout  and ur typing in English here, interesting
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2016-01-30 05:41
Believe me, I do not change kb layout to type english, really. I do not need too.
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2016-01-30 16:05
This Deepin release is the worst yet imo.  It has taken a few minutes for this thread to load, I don't know if this is down to a broken wireless connection or the Deepin forum, I have three apps that the 'new' Deepin update system says needs updating, and yet despite 'locking' Synaptic out, is updating nothing!  When I manage to get Synaptic access, it tells me that there are not just three apps needing to be updated, but dozens - 400meg of downloads!  But with the crappy wireless, Synaptic can barely update the repository list, never mind download 400meg of files!!!

It was bad enough that Deepin 15 would not even install on my 32-bit laptop, now I can't get it to run properly on my 64-bit!  I'm close to just deleting it and moving on.  If nothing else, the repository situation is a shambles - how can you release a distro without first having an adequate number of repositories available?  Not happy.
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2016-01-30 16:42
This Deepin release is the worst yet imo.  It has taken a few minutes for this thread to load, I don ...

Deepin 15.1 fixes many issues checkout the link:

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2016-01-30 23:38
Don't be so hard give it some time. If you make in your pc laptop a partition of 10GB move it there and watch it for time to time.
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2016-01-31 03:59
I think you'll love this!
DDE 2015 + Manjaro = Manjaro Deepin:
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2016-01-31 04:23
I think you'll love this!
DDE 2015 + Manjaro = Manjaro Deepin:
https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-Dee ...

Good catch. I'll try it in the virtualbox, arch is rolling so manjaro is too.
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2016-01-31 04:25
I think you'll love this!
DDE 2015 + Manjaro = Manjaro Deepin:
https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-Dee ...

Good catch. I'll try it in the virtualbox, arch is rolling so manjaro is too.
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2016-01-31 09:59
Edited by omelette at 2016-1-31 02:13

Ok, just made a major discovery - I've just found out that my ancient Class 1 Bluetooth dongle has been the cause of most of my troubles!  For some reason, it interferes with all 4 of my wireless cards (2 intel, 2 atheros).  With it plugged into a USB slot, I get a intermittent wireless feed that manages about 10kB/s at best, without it, I'm back to full speed!  Guess that also explains why my Bluetooth headset doesn't work properly with Deepin 15 either!

Having just updated to Deepin 15.1, with a very good speed from the Deepin default repository, it looks like I'll be sticking with Deepin after all.

PS:  Before the bluetooth-discovery, and unable to update to Deepin 15.1 via wireless, I figured I'd try updating through my laptop using a direct wired-connection - only to discover that Deepin has no "Shared with other computer" option!  As far back as Ubuntu 8.1, NetworkManager has included this option, allowing the user to easily share a internet connection with another computer - so how come in  2016, Deepin 15.1 can't do this?
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2016-02-01 16:17
I think you'll love this!
DDE 2015 + Manjaro = Manjaro Deepin:
https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-Dee ...

I wish I had seen this a few days ago.
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2016-02-21 11:41
The Manjaro Deepin is not as good as Deepin 2015.1. I had it installed on my system and the Linux kernel is different than the Deepin 2015.1. This caused my laptop to go absolutetly insane, the fans were running all the time, and the laptop itself was hot. Also the Manjaro Deepin has its own bugs and little things that don't work quite as well. I'm sticking with Deepin 2015.1, these guys are doing a great job.
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2016-04-05 08:07
Hi bonbonboi,

There is a relatively new version of Manjaro which now uses the deepin DE.  Bernhard Landauer, the lead developer, of Manjaro's deepin community edition, has done a beautiful job with this edition of Manjaro.  I've found that the deepin community edition of Manjaro to be quite charming, but I don't know how many people even know that it exists.

In my opinion, I've found the deepin community of Manjaro to be every bit as nice as Manjaro's default Xfce edition, and maybe even a little bit nicer.


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2016-09-20 07:27
Deepin is now based on 'Debian testing' so it is of course playing hard-mode to use it as a daily driver...
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2016-09-20 08:54
To fix the keyboard layout you have to put deepin on your harddrive first

choose a password that is available on an englisch keyboard with ese

Something like reverse or alarm

than log in to your installaition

after taht change the keyboard layout from the control center by adding your language and clicking on finish

This wil only affect your X-Server

Next open a terminal with CTRL+T

Tahen put the following code in

  1. sudo apt-get install console-data console-setup keyboard-configuration locales
Copy the Code

confirm all the questions

after apt-get has finished do

  1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
  2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data
  3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
  4. sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
Copy the Code

When you reconfigure your keyboard choose standard if you have a pc or aple-usb if you have an apple computer. When it comes to reconfigure locales make shure you select your languages shortcode with utf-8 behind it and deselect everything that starts with en en_us for example

If you are finished reconfiguration just type

  1. sudo reboot now
Copy the Code

If everything works like expected your X-Server has your keyboard layout now as well as your tty 1-tty6 (real linux console)

Edit you post title with a [solved] in front of it if this solution works for you. Thank you!
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2016-09-23 23:15
Edited by oz_ks at 2016-9-23 15:17

I cant change my background im going to switch to Manjaro hahahahhahahha
deepin is relatively new if you know about linux you'll should know if a distro is knew it has bugs, but not for that reason its bad.
dont tell me that manajaro do not have bugs (please lie to me) dont get me wrong Manjaro - Xfce its one of my best distros, but not for that i'll go to ubuntu forums o mint and say STUPID things about it. i can clearly say you don't know nothing about linux comunity.

and Manjaro deepin its not as good as this one
look at me im tiping english with another keyboard layout. its insane also i can change for kanjis btw
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