Bad move away from Ubuntu
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2016-01-23 05:06
Installed the latest Debian based version and it's full of bugs including the file manager freezing every time I try to copy the contents of a folder from my external drive, wifi keeps disconnecting, can't change keyboard layout + more. Also, no alternative choice of of window decoration and only one additional choice for icons. Lastly font rendition is truly awful. 2014 was an excellent release but I'm afraid this one went straight in the bin.
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2016-01-24 03:10
Edited by abercoque at 2016-1-23 12:12

Sadly I think like you.

In my opinion the problem is not had chosen debian, but deciding 15 version was already stable while in fact still was beta.

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2016-01-24 09:20
There does seem to be something seriously wrong with wireless in Deepin 15.  My Atheros AR928x hardware worked ok with Deepin 14, yet is barely usable on Deepin 15.  That said, I've had a nightmare of experience with Linux ath9k drivers - imo, the buggiest Linux code on the planet.  Almost abandoned Linux because of it, but instead, finally just got a Intel 5100 wireless-card, and never looked back - at least with the computer I use most!  Linux wireless drivers suck.
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2016-01-26 05:09
I use a D-Link USB wireless adapter on my desktop but so what?.. it works fine with every other distro and 2014.3 was one of them. I just don't appreciate how developers can release something that looks (a lot) worse that the previous version, is full of bugs and call it an "upgrade"?
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2016-01-27 05:05
There does seem to be something seriously wrong with wireless in Deepin 15.  My Atheros AR928x hardw ...

No way, Linux is a God in supporting variety of hardware
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2016-02-01 16:44
Everyone seems to be forgetting that deepin 2015 is STILL bleeding edge.  If you truly support the distro, give it time to stabilize.  
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2016-02-05 10:46
Today, I have installed DeepIn 15... and it's experience is best for me... everythings are working alright and smoothly for me...
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2016-02-05 10:54
Today, I have installed DeepIn 15... and it's experience is best for me... everythings are working a ...

Good to hear and welcome to the Deepin Forum

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2016-02-05 21:49
Deepin 15 is a very stable Distro in my opinion, it has some bugs but nothing that affect system stability
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2016-02-06 04:49
I totally disagree. The move away from Ubuntu to Debian was the best move! Ubuntu is much more buggy and unreliable than Debian. Although Deepin is still maturing it's Desktop Environment and Applications, still a young distribution with some bugs and lack of features, being based of Debian is the best quality assurance they could strive for (in my opinion). I totally dislike Ubuntu and its quirks/bugs and wouldn't consider using Deepin if it was based of Ubuntu. Good job, Deepin!
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2016-02-07 01:34
Edited by dance707 at 2016-2-6 02:46

Jotapesse is 100 % correct in my opinion. I would not be using Deepin if was still based on ubuntu either.
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2016-06-12 15:43
i just tested Deepin 15.2 and it seems very stable even on virtual machine ,

this move is good like linuxmint but why deepin drop the support for ubuntu? while you still can cover the largest segment of users ?
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2016-06-13 02:44
The op mentions the file manager freezing - after much use, I have to agree!   This is particularly evident when copying files over a wireless network.  All you can do when that happens is to forcibly close it .   Apart from that, I can't find much else to complain about.  Good riddance to Ubuntu I say.
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2016-06-15 17:54
Ubuntu?  I've not used that in years, I never really liked it.  I've been using Debian.  I found this looking for something for older Netbooks.  I found Manjaro and was looking at the Deepin DE, that lead me to the Deepin OS.  So I downloaded the 15.2 32 bit and installed in separate partition on an Asus Netbook.  It ran pretty good so I installed it as the main system, then got the 64 bit for my Dell laptop.

Its running pretty good on both.  Though I think eliminating Ubuntu and starting straight with a Debian base is the way to go, eliminating the potential for extra problems.  

I've also added repo's for programs I use and installed other various programs the repo.  I didn't see a default package manager installed so I did install Synaptic via command line.

The file manage isn't the best but seems to be quick for simple use, for more advanced use I'd recommend installing Dolphin or something.  I'm more familiar with KDE apps and I may eventually install Plasma desktop as well.

Removed some apps I wont use and replaced others with ones I'm used to that I like better.
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