Deepin environment feedback from manjaro community
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2016-01-02 04:42

Thanks to your collaboration with Oberon, manjaro has additional flavor: manjaro deepin:

Here is the presentation of it:

Aside stand alone community version, we also install deepin as an additional environment (next to kde and others). To keep it short, we enjoy deeping very much. Reactions are very positive, however it's still a beta version so there are many small issues to work out.

Since we are posting various feedback about deepin environment on manjaro forums, I hope that our imput is also red from time to times from deepin developers. Increased collaboration can speed up deepin development.

Deepin thereads are to find here:

To summarize our experiences:
- deepin is probably the most beautiful graphical environment for linux so far (it beats pantheon IMO)
- deepin is standing out as a very original desktop so it has a chance to become something major in the future
- deepin is still increadibly heavy in resources usage and bit slow (more then kde5) so it needs lot of optimalization
- there are still many small issues to resolve (hot corners not working consistently, minimazing from dock icons is bizzare and some others).

Thanks for this great desktop and I hope that deepin will become a wider choice for various distros in the future. It defenitelly deserves it!
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2016-01-02 05:51
still have issues with hidpi and root ui, things gonna improve in 15.1
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