2015-12-12 05:05 deepin
Good morning naizugal. Whatever integrated graphics you have will determine what OpenGL driver you can upgrade to - probably 3.0, maybe 4.0 or so. You might be over capacity now. Once appropriately done, it should be able to handle Dota 2 in low resolution and detail. Gaming laptops start at $1,000+ and usually have 2GB dedicated memory. Playing below tech level is of course done, and workarounds should be on gaming forums. I am not a gamer, so I can offer only limited advice.
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I just installed Steam and installed Dota 2, which worked fine. However, when I start the game, an error message pops up saying I'm missing an OpenGL extension and that I should upgrade OpenGL.
How do I do that on Deepin?
It's a laptop running Intel HD Graphics.