2015-12-05 12:27 deepin
It is good to have swap space available. It is better to never use it. If you have little RAM, say under 2GB, the OS may need to swap. Your computer will crawl when this is happening. I've never encountered this with deepin, and I've never looked into it. With many systems, you have to lower the "swapiness" from a default 60% to about 10% to get decent performance. It seems you have confirmed this is not the case with deepin. There may be an automatic recognition and use of swap space, if needed. I actually don't know, but I'll check on it. Counter-intuitively, you don't want to use swap space or encourage it. It exists as an overflow last resort from an earlier era when there often wasn't enough RAM. I think it is still useful for certain emergency situations, so it's good to define some greater than your RAM, but if deepin isn't inclined to use it, I wouldn't ask it to.
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