DAU·2015 Conference Resources Sharing
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2015-12-04 21:24

By the article of DAU·2015 Conference Minutes Sharing, we presented the titbits and overview of speech PPT from guest speakers. I believe you already have known DAU · 2015. Are there any other contents looking forward to share?

Next, we will continue to report more news of the Conference through wonderful questionnaire statistics , photos and videos.

Wonderful Video Sharing

Here is to share the warmup video and primary visual video of DAU · 2015.

Questionnaire Statistics

1. How do you know the Conference?
□ Deepin Technology Official Website 32%
□ News Websites    6%
□ Social media or recommended by friends  54%
□ Others: ______________               9%
Notes: The news promoting ways need to be improved

2. How long have you been using deepin?
□ Not used yet   34%
□ More than 1 year    41%
□ 2-4 years       21%
□ More than 4 years     4%

3. Which speeches do you focus on (Multiple)?
□ deepin V15 New Edition Preview And Future Development Plans   28%
□ The Way To System Migration For Linux   23%
□ Software Ecology And Community Service Construction Of Loongson      10%
□ The Development Of WPS For Linux  12%
□ Some Thoughts On Promotion Of Independent Controllable Software And Hardware, And Open Source Community 10%
□ A More Open Deepin Open Source Community   14%
□ Our Journey Is HardenedLinux Community    4%
Notes: Most are focusing on deepin V15 New Edition Preview And Future Development Plans. Attention on The Way To System Migration For Linux is also higher.

4. What other contents do you want to know (Multiple)?
□ The development plans and latest progress on deepin    29%
□ News of open source community and projects    12%
□ Methods and channels to participate in the open source community and projects   14%
□ The cutting-edge technical knowledge on development    19%
□ The application status of open source systems and software in actual market  25%
□ Others: x86 ARM MVPS adaptation; Market operation, OEM publicity, security reinforcement, compatibility on more Windows software
Notes: More attention is on deepin development progress and the market share of open source OS.

5. What’s your opinion on the commercialization of open source products?
□ Pay more attention to   90%
□ Not interested in    7%
□ No confidence    3%

6. As one of the few Chinese manufacturers transplanting operating system to different Chinese platforms, we’d like to know which Chinese platforms do you care about (multiple)?
□ Loongson  71%
□ Shenwei  18%
□ Feiteng  12%
□ Others: Hisilicon ; VIA Alliance

7. Which key breakthroughs are needed on promoting sinicization progress?
□ E-bank        17%
□ User habit     26%
□ Office software    21%
□ Common application migration  36%
□ Others: Game ; Native software support, System-related application customization; Migration of professional design software, Promotion of documentation, localization and open documentation (ODF already adopted ISO standard); Ecosystem construction

8. What’s your suggestion or advice on the development of operating system sinicization?
  • Seize users, make fluent experience and humanized design; Improve performance and easiness in use; Enrich common software and beautify interface.
  • Intensify popularization, many people know few about Chinese operating system
  • Improve the system stability
  • Pay attention to the user data safety
  • Further cooperate with the government
  • Build Linux ecology
  • Provide more platforms to know and participate in the development of deepin
  • Pay attention to OS and continue to make efforts on applications and migration of some commonly used software in Windows
  • Suggest to refine the product line and do them better in different ways, such as products for common users and special industry, more CPU or hardware architecture
  • Do better on critical applications (safe), such as E-bank and payment
  • Pay more attention on Linux server. It’s easy to get results in server because the work of migration from Windows desktop environment to Linux desktop is more difficult than the server

9. What’s your suggestion or advice on the Conference?
  • Hold more times to strengthen interactive communication and control the speech progress
  • Hope to explain more latest cutting-edge technology on Linux to intensify the popularization
  • Topics shall be fewer but finer
  • Sharing based on deepin
  • Happy and hope to see you next year
  • It’s hard to find the Conference location and prize-drawing mechanism is not good
  • More cooperation and communication with peers, invite them to make speeches, organize it to a specialized BBS for Chinese OS

Wonderful photos of the Conference

Pictures can tell story! Here comes wonderful photos of DAU · 2015.

You can see all wonderful photos of the Conference here.

Conference Hall

Employee’s card

The youngest fan


About DAU

Deepin Developer And User Conference (known as “DAU”) is an open source conference hosted by Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. aimed in promoting the development of open source OS in China.

The fifth DAU is hosted in Uniscenter, Beijing with the theme of “Deepin for Everyone”. The Conference gathered over 300 open source experts, developers, fans, partners of Deepin Technology and others all over the nation. They got together to discuss how to promote open source OS in China.

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2015-12-05 02:57
Thanks for this posting. Excellent questionnaire with revealing answers. This was a good event that will improve deepin and its position in local and world markets.
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