DAU·2015 Conference Minutes Sharing
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2015-12-02 21:43

Deepin Developer And User Conference (known as “DAU”) is an open source conference hosted by Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. aimed in promoting the development of open source OS in China.

The fifth DAU is hosted in Uniscenter, Beijing with the theme of “Deepin for Everyone”. The Conference gathered over 300 open source experts, developers, fans, partners of Deepin Technology and others all over the nation. They got together to discuss how to promote open source OS in China.

Now, let’s take a look at the Conference!


At 10:40 AM on Nov. 28, staff and volunteers of the Conference arrived in Uniscenter and started to busily arrange exhibition and sign in.

deepin 15 Alpha 2 is newly publicized in the experience area. Loongson and Sunway platform editions are also available. Many participants has been drawn to experience them!

Participants Experiencing deepin 15 Alpha 2

Conference Gift——Selfie Stick

Group Photo of Volunteers and Staffs

Guest Speech

General Manager, Mr. Liu Wenhuan of Deepin Technology Co., Ltd.

The Conference started at 14:00, the general manager, Mr. Liu Wenhuan of Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. made an address for the Conference.

President of China OSS Promotion Union, Mr. Lu Shouqun

Then, the president of China OSS Promotion Union, Mr. Lu Shouqun and the vice president of Alibaba, Mr. Zhang Wensong made guest address for the Conference.

Vice President of Alibaba, Mr. Zhang Wensong.

The first guest speaker is the vice general manager of Deepin Technology, Mr. Wang Yong. His topic isdeepin V15 New Edition Preview And Future Development Plans.

Vice General Manager of Deepin Technology, Mr. Wang Yong

He answered the question on release cycle of system editions from users with a humorous speech. Then officially announced the release of deepin Alpha 2, and briefly introduced its new features and the differences.

Meanwhile, he publicized the development progress for deepin server edition for the first time and introduced the new future plan of Deepin Technology to participants!

The second guest speaker is the chief engineer of Deepin Technology, Mr. Zhang Lei. His topic is The Way To System Migration For Linux——Deep for deepin.

Chief Engineer of Deepin Technology, Mr. Zhang Lei

He detailedly introduced the current status of Linux applications. Then made thorough description on migration plans, including native Windows software migration, .NET software migration, B/S architecture system front-end and back-end migration, and so on.

The third guest speaker is the vice president of Loongson, Mr. Gao Xiang. His topic is Software Ecology And Community Service Construction Of Loongson.

Vice President of Loongson, Mr. Gao Xiang

He made an analysis on independent informatization development, described the infrastructural software ecology construction of Loongson, announced results of Loongson chip on software and hardware ecology, and finally displayed Loongson’s participation and contribution to the open source community.

The fourth guest speaker is a senior R&D manager from Kingsoft, Mr. Liu Yang. His topic is The Development Of WPS For Linux.

Senior R&D Manager of Kingsoft, Mr. Liu Yang.

The topic is mainly on the development of WPS for Linux. He made analysis based on technical framework selection, migration and optimization, and finally announced some new features of Linux WPS 2016:

  • New chart engine
  • Optimized chart display
  • Rich 3D effects
  • Completely support OXML file format
  • Supports drop shadow, glowing, 3D and such effects

The fifth guest speaker is the chief engineer of Jiangnan Computing Technology, Mr. Zhu Jiantao. His topic is Some Thoughts On Promotion Of Independent Controllable Software And Hardware, And Open Source Community.

Chief Engineer of JiangNan Institute of Computing Technology, Mr. Zhu Jiantao

He, from China’s perspective, analyzed current status of independent controllable software and hardware, detailedly analyzed the ecology environment of independent software. Meanwhile he published the application status of open source software on ShenWei platform. At last, he concluded the current open source status in China, and the exploration of software and hardware ecology development.

The sixth guest speaker is the open source community manager of Deepin Technology, Mr. Dai Lidu, His topic is A More Open Deepin Open Source Community.

Open Source Community Manager of Deepin Technology, Mr. Dai Lidu

He stated the effort and result from Deepin Technology in open source community from three prospectives of Deepin culture, Deepin open source and Deepin community. In the end, he announced more detailed community plans for the future.

The seventh guest speaker is Mr. Wen Baichuan from CipherGateway. His topic is Our Journey Is HardenedLinux Community.

Wen Baichuan From CipherGateway

Firstly, Mr. Wen introduced the origin and purpose of HardenedLinux Community, stated the importance of open source software in IT infrastructure, Internet of Things, mobile network and so on. He proposed new perspective for the discussion on future development of open source.

At last, it was free Q&A. Questioners are software and hardware manufacturers, fans of open source, common users and others. Guests of the Conference detailedly answered their questions.

  • This conference minutes is mainly about speech contents, some part of the Conference is not recorded;
  • Sincere thanks to Open Source China, HuoDongXing, SegmentFault, BearyChat and other partner’s great support in the Conference!

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2015-12-03 02:44
Thank you for this report. It was good to see and read of the people and proceedings. Information like this "deepens" the deepin experience for all of us.
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