deepin 15 Alpha2– A Different Deepin for You
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2015-11-29 06:56

deepin is a Linux distribution committed to providing an elegant, user-friendly, safe and stable operating system for users all over the world.

deepin 15 Alpha 2 is thoroughly changed with a brand new system architecture. System performance and resources occupation have been significantly improved. Meanwhile, significant attention has been paid in internationalization for this system. Not only multi-language display has been improved, but also the mirror acceleration(CDN acceleration) function has been added for the first time. So you can experience the infinite charm of deepin wherever you are!

Now, exactly what’s the difference between deepin Alpha 2 and its previous?

Improvement Starts from Core

Thanks to the comprehensive optimization of the system internal architecture, deepin 15 Alpha 2 has become more light and keen. A new window manager has been adopted in this edition, performance and compatibility has reached perfect balance.

Deepin Store has been simplified. Uninstallation function now is moved to launcher and system update is integrated in control center. Each perform its own functions and do their best.

For details in experience, pressure response function has been added to digital tablet. It will be more handy for you to draw on PC. Optimized bluetooth function can automatically switch the audio device to bluetooth loudspeaker after connecting.

While emphasis on internal improvement, we also enhanced system interaction. For the first time we added sound effect for system startup, shutdown, wakeup and so on.

Modification Gives You Satisfaction

To hear the users’ need and respond to users’ confusion, we have built a complete assistance/feedback system. Deepin Manual, Deepin User Feedback and Remote Assistance have formally been added to the system. We will be able to respond in the first time for your request for help or feedback.

Meanwhile, we have made the following adjustments to preinstalled software with the easy-to-use and enough-to-use principle:

  • WPS Office will be the default office software for all language editions. Thus to provide a unified smooth office experience;
  • Wubi input method (simplified Chinese) and Cangjie input method (traditional Chinese) are newly added. Now there are more possibilities for text input;
  • Deepin Store now has been upgraded to V4.0. It is specialized in indexing and recommending excellent software;
  • Upgraded commonly used software such as QQ, Google Chrome, File Manager and Text Editor to enhance experience of core software;
  • Deepin Translator, Remmina and Brasero are removed. Some rarely used software also are reduced.

Deepin at Your Fingertips

You can experience the charm of deepin with the time for just a cup of coffee!

Please download deepin mirror and watch video tutorial. With Deepin Boot Maker, you can easily install the system in your computer.

Official Downloads:

Other downloads(Synchronizing):
Sourceforge, Baidu Yun, MEGA, Community ISO Repository


  • deepin 15 Alpha 2 can only be reinstalled to experience and can not be upgraded from other editions;
  • The Alpha edition has many known problems and imperfect functions. It is not recommended to use it as main system in work environment and daily use.

Open Source to Share Joy

deepin is an open source desktop system developed for common users. You are free to download, distribute, modify and use it.

Welcome to follow us on Twitterand Facebook to acquire latest update in the first time. Also welcome to join our to communicate and share your joy with us.

At last, we solemnly thank those community teams and companies who have provided,documentation, translation and mirroring support. You have made open source better with the selfless contribution!

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All Replies
2015-11-29 08:25
Looks great, Sounds wonderful. Trying to download now, but it doesn't seem to work. I'll try another.
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2015-11-29 08:36
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m***[email protected]
2015-11-29 10:40
Great job guys!
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2015-11-29 18:17
I am so excited! Deepin is my favorite distro.
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2015-11-29 22:21
Deepin is awesome! really looks like professional OS. btw. does it have liveCD in 2015?
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2015-11-30 16:52
Edited by bunticlick at 2015-11-30 02:22

Thoughts, Questions, Suggestions and Critique.This is meant as kind of a review in the context of this release - the questions are not meant to provoke support but are more or less rethorical. No answer expected.

Startup is blazingly fast, the system seems to be leaner, initial memory consumption seems to be reduced.
The visual representation of DDE seems to be unchanged despite changing the underlying system and windowmanager, nicely done.
Applications like the filemanager are cleaned up and do look nice (still seems to be gnome files though).

In "efficient and classic" mode there is no wifi indicator in the bottom bar/panel , i guess this is an alpha glitch.
The calender indicator that shows on hovering on top of the time in the bottom-bar still has the chinese calender although language is set to german.

The deepin store is so slow it is more or less unusable, at least from germany that is. Command line is not much better though. Unless there are some mirrors outside of china the alpha is pretty much not usable.
Does being based on Debian-Proper, not Ubuntu anymore, mean that Debian repositorys can be used to install software not offered by the deepin ones?

The filemanager does not show any copy speed while copying after clicking on the little pie symbol at the top only a progress bar.

Looks like there ist only the web wechat/weixin(no chinese text input) client, wich requires a connected smartphone, in the store. I had hoped there would be something a bit more usefull forthcomming. It would be nice to have the windows modern/phone app installable. Is QQ still relevant? All the chinese i know use wechat/weixin nowadays.

Deepin Music does not offer adding network paths as sources for audio files. Draggin and dropping a file from an smb Folder opened in filemanager resulted in showing it in the playlist, unfortunatly it did not play.

There seems to be no convenient way of adding and choosing  a chinese input method once a language other than chinese is selected. This is a pain in the butt and a step back compared to any recent Ubuntu, Fedora and even the new LMDE2 (also based on Debian too). There seems to be no fcitx packet in the deepin store.
After selecting sogou input method in Deepin-store and waiting for over an hour i do have now the input method indicator in the panel. Unfortunatly there is only an english keyboard layout (not a german layout as needed) and no available input methods at all, pretty much useless. Concerning multi-language input this is the most unsatisfying install of any distro i tried within the last year. It also happens to be a must have feature on every machine i set up.

There seem to be no zram-config packages in the repository, how is it set up in deepin?

Some things are quite promising, in many places though, sadly, the focus seems to be still on bling, not functionality.

I am not decided yet if i can live with the limitations in the forseeable future or if i just install something else.

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2015-12-01 04:45
Thoughts, Questions, Suggestions and Critique.This is meant as kind of a review in the context of th ...

Thanks for your comprehensive & valuable report. I will let our team know.
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2015-12-01 11:04
I'm unable to install this version of Deepin, as when I get to the "Select a Language" screen, once I have clicked on "English" (or any other language) I have approximately 15 seconds before the installer restarts, taking me back to the "Select a Language" screen. I have managed to get through the login name and password screen, but I am unable to select the correct partition to install to before I am taken back to the start!

This is using the Deepin 15 Alpha 2 64bit ISO, downloaded from Sourceforge. Do you have an MD5 checksum I can compare against, to ensure the download is good?
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2015-12-01 22:08
I'm unable to install this version of Deepin, as when I get to the "Select a Language" screen, once  ...

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2015-12-01 22:09
Thanks for your comprehensive & valuable report. I will let our team know.

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2015-12-02 14:45

So any meaningful testing is to be done in and from china and nowhere else? You should add thst little caveat to the announcement. This will prevent a lot of wasted bandwith.
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2015-12-03 02:54
Edited by laoguang at 2015-12-2 18:58
So any meaningful testing is to be done in and from china and nowhere else? You should add thst li ...

Anyone who know how to test linux will know that geographical locations of mirrors do not affect the speed very much. Furthermore, I am currently outside China and the speed is pretty much the same. In addition, although the speed is not very decent, I feel that it is within an acceptable range, apt-get update only takes about a few minutes. If that is slow to you, feel free to play with another distro. (I am merely an end user like you, I do not represent the Deepin team.)
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2015-12-04 07:44
Oh I can't wait for testing this out. Sourceforge hurry up, plz :-)
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2015-12-05 01:05
comes the new Music player to in the Alpha2 or in the finally ??
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2015-12-07 01:10
-I Can not Connect Wireless. Only cable
-Deepin Control Center is not completely translated into German
-The Clock and calendar did sign chinesiche
-The Downloading programs is much too slow

-The Speed is much much better than in 2014.3
-The Animation when Minimize or quit the program is very nice
-When Starting the netbook comes a very beautiful sound
-Deepin Store looks very good
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2015-12-07 07:06
Alpha 2015 resets my docked applications after every session. Just heads up.
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