Change 2014.3 Window theme
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2015-11-24 11:52
Hi All,

How can I change (personalize) Window theme? I put gtk2 files on ~/.themes, copied to /usr/share/themes, but nothing.

Thanks in advanced


Luis Falcão
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2015-11-24 13:11
It sounds like you're accustomed to running as root. Ubuntu and close derivatives are designed to preclude this, but leave open sudo. su. etc. with permissions. There are always avenues to personalize, which you can easily find from menus, help. etc. Ubuntu derivatives, however, are not artistic media like Puppy, for instance. They are designed to be suitable working environments for many, not aesthetic playgrounds. In the Ubuntu world, for instance, you can load the entire Xubuntu or Kubuntu desktop, but you can't easily pick and choose between this window manager theme or that icon set. There are many distros available for creative visual expression, but deepin is not really designed toward that end.
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