Deepin glitches with file manager.
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2015-10-03 00:45
On occasion when I access the file manager the maximise, minimise and close buttons have disappeared. The only way to get them back is to reboot the pc. On a couple of occasions they didn't appear even on reboot and I had to reboot  about three times.  I do like Deepin a lot, but it seems to be glitching more than when I first installed it. Sometimes the wifi stops working and I was using the Handbrake video program and all the conversion settings were missing, but on reboot the problems were fixed again.

If any one has some suggestions for fixing the file nanager problem that would be greatly appreciated. It doesn't do it all the time, but when it does it is quite annoying.
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2015-10-03 16:50
1. compiz --replace
2. logout
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2015-10-31 11:50
When you can't access the minimise etc, try this

  with cursor in relevant window,   alt + space

that is, press      left Alt (usually next to space bar),    and     space-bar        at the same time

This brings up all the useful options in a drop-list, called the "op up window menu"

See  linux "Table_of_keyboard_shortcuts" in wikipedia etc

As dqjl111   says,  if the default is to show the frame and window menu , you can get a terminal:  ctrl+Alt+T (in the display you are using)
and invoke:
   compiz   --replace    &

The trailing single "&" lets compiz execute free of the terminal. If you do not this, compiz will be stopped when the terminal is closed. But it should auto-start again, in a little while.

Apparently it's to do with appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt

I hope all that helps.
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2015-11-14 15:00
H thanks for all the suggestions. However I have not had any problems with Deepin recently, so it seems to have fixed itself (probably through updates). Anyway it is useful to know and I will return here if any of the problems resurface.

Thanks again.

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