2015-08-29 03:28 Edited by horvan at 2015-8-28 12:32
Have you heard about books? I know knowledge in a book is mostly not free because of lecturing and packaging but books are a really good starting point. Especially the bold ones!
To be honest.
Online courses are great sources for beginners but if you wan't to go to advanced things you have to pay their pricing plans. I have a good html 5 Book here at my book shelve and paid about 50 € for it.
If books are not the way you like to learn than you can take a look at Video2brain and pick a course about html 5 programming or pay theyr pricing plans. Thay are owne by https://bbs.deepin.org/module now but linda.com was an is a good place to learn things as before they bought them to expire their marketing power to germany. But their videos are also not free of charge and , again,a pricing plan may be a cheap solution but a good book is the cheapest one.
If you looking for an other online vendor for good courses take a look at
Tahn there is Treehouse
A third way may be the good old youtube. If you are lucky You'll find a funny teacher.
And the last way I like to mention is a real course driven by a software developer agency. These courses are really expensive but also really really valuable. You sould take a look at google if you like to go as far as possible from your hometown to get knowedge in a good course fro programmers somewhere nearby.
Have you heard about books? I know knowledge in a book is mostly not free because of lecturing and packaging but books are a really good starting point. Especially the bold ones!
To be honest.
Online courses are great sources for beginners but if you wan't to go to advanced things you have to pay their pricing plans. I have a good html 5 Book here at my book shelve and paid about 50 € for it.
If books are not the way you like to learn than you can take a look at Video2brain and pick a course about html 5 programming or pay theyr pricing plans. Thay are owne by https://bbs.deepin.org/module now but linda.com was an is a good place to learn things as before they bought them to expire their marketing power to germany. But their videos are also not free of charge and , again,a pricing plan may be a cheap solution but a good book is the cheapest one.
If you looking for an other online vendor for good courses take a look at
Tahn there is Treehouse
A third way may be the good old youtube. If you are lucky You'll find a funny teacher.
And the last way I like to mention is a real course driven by a software developer agency. These courses are really expensive but also really really valuable. You sould take a look at google if you like to go as far as possible from your hometown to get knowedge in a good course fro programmers somewhere nearby.
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