What other Linux distros have you tried before and after Deepin?
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2015-08-08 06:10
As of right now, I've played with Mint, Kali, Proteus, Zorin, and Korora.  I recommend Mint for new users.  What about you?

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2016-07-04 14:53
Edited by stevex at 2016-7-4 07:54

I currently use Apricity OS, Linux Mint, and Deepin. In the past I have used, to name a few, Debian, Ubuntu,Manjaro, Fedora, Chalet OS, Zorin, Elementary OS, Ubuntu Mate, Xubuntu, Linux Lite, LXLE, Puppy, Lubuntu, Antergos, Cub or Chromixium, Bodhi, Q4OS, Makulu Linux, Extix, Solari, and Raspian. Lots of fun.
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2016-07-05 07:56
I've also lost track of the Linux flavours I've tried over the past 10 years.  I've just downloaded Fedora 24 and AntiX a few day ago!  I started with Ubuntu and therefore have tried practically every version of Ubuntu that has been released.  Fedora 13 is one that I have fond memories of, also Debian Lenny (KDE 3), as well as ArchLinux.  I realised after installing Arch, just how little I knew about how Linux works - so it's really a great distro if you want to learn about how Linux operates 'internally'.  Deepin was a breath of fresh air, given the state of Gnome3 and Unity at the time, and is still one of my main OS's.
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2016-07-07 15:58
Before Deepin, I primarily used Ubuntu. I've tried Solus, Zorin, Ozon, Fedora, Gentoo, Elementary, Chromixium, Linux Mint, Xubuntu, and Pinguy OS. They were quite awesome, but I had to tweak some more than others. One day I stumbled upon Deepin looking for a replacement OS for an older computer I was working on. It was cool! After Deepin, I've tried Remix OS, CubLinux, Debian, Manjero and  OpenBSD. Linux is super fun for all of its different varieties!
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