What other Linux distros have you tried before and after Deepin?
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2015-08-08 06:10
As of right now, I've played with Mint, Kali, Proteus, Zorin, and Korora.  I recommend Mint for new users.  What about you?

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2015-08-11 06:23
How is Deepin treating you, joost?

Mint is great for beginners.  I haven't tried the others you mentioned.  What did you like about Elementary and Solus?
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2015-08-11 09:37
I have dual boot on my laptop with deepin and kubuntu. both of them looks pretty good. before that I also tried mint.
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2015-08-11 11:50
Why Kubuntu and Deepin?
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2015-08-15 23:52
I have tried lots of Linux distros since I started to use it.
Every Linux distros has its own charm.
Deepin is now my primary OS.
There are things to expect more, but it has been good so far.
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2015-08-16 02:48
From Ubuntu to Elementry over deepin and back to debian I  found out the most outstanding thing in a distro is the desktop ever and ever again. I spent a lot of time with programming my own server distro fro drupal and as a component of that there is a desktop choosing script. so If you are an advanced user and just like to choose the desktop that fits you You can use every ubuntu based distro with this sctript and install every desktop ypu llike. from there you can plug in every tool or program you need the only recommendation is that you know the applications name in the repositories.

I have tried all 9 major desktops in Linux


GNome 3
and xfce

From the moment on you know witch desktop you like best you can choose your shell choosing bash or zsh as deepin does and than you can set your desired programs on top.

As long as you use a debian distro where you are familiar with the commands on the command line you are fine. It get's really different again if you head over to OpenSuse, Fedora or even Red Hats CentOs, because they have other programs to achieve  the same things.

For example the equivalent to install software from  the command line in OpenSuse is named zyper. It's kind a hard process to learn and new commands and mind them if you used debian based  systems for years and vice versa.

I recommand you to use a base system where you know the command line as well as possible and then just install the desktop and the tools you need to work efficient and quickly every day.

A distribution is just a tool collection on top of a base-system. So what I try to say is take ubuntu minimal or debian netinst an go from there. That's the best you can do to learrn a lot and get the resuklt that fits your needs the best way.

By the way if you like to try out the desktop installing script on your own risk. Here it is download desktopchooser.sh and run it with sudo
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2015-08-16 12:10
I'm really curious about Phanteeon and Enlightenment now.  I had no idea I could choose any desktop with other distros.  Thanks for the advice.  What other cool tricks and tips you got up your sleeves?
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2015-12-11 13:12
Just to pick this up again: Lubuntu, Bodhi, antiX (&MX), Zorin. and Puppy are what I'm active with now, in addition to deepin, and Puppy is by far my favorite. I've lost track of how many Linux distros I've tried, but Arch, Debian, Slackware, and T2 are more than I can handle. I can use the command line, but I'm hardly proficient. Incidentally, I do still run XP and Vista instead of emulations.
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2015-12-12 06:33
I was using deepin 2014.3 and it was fine, a few glitches here and there, but overall good. Before that I tried Mint, Ubuntu, Peppermint, Q4OS, Zorin OS, elementary OS &  Lubuntu. I was a windows user before that and I wanted to try something different. Of the distros I tried deepin stole my heart. It was easy to use and I liked the interface. I have just recently installed Chromixium OS however and am liking it just as much.
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2015-12-13 05:42
I started with kali, ubuntu, kylinos(10 mins), neokylin(short enough for me to run uname -a and find out that it is 32 bit), ubuntukylin(1week), deepin(almost a year) and kali again...
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2015-12-13 22:41
Debian is my like.because it's very stable.And xfce is my like,too
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2016-01-05 11:12
I really, really wish I would have kept track of just how many linux distros I have tried.

Zorin is like Deepin in the fact that it is unique and interesting. Zorin is as close to Windows 7 as you can get, which makes it a nice candidate for proselytizing Windows users. But, it is heavy like Windows and loses speed that I get used to with Linux in general.

Ubuntu, Elementary, and Solus don't play well with older systems so I don't endorse them, but I have tried them. With Solus, I tried to try it, but it needed an EFI environment so I didn't get far.

I used to like Mint Cinnamon and Xfce, but I have dropped them for personal reasons. One of their main developers made some racially slanderous remarks so I took his advice and stopped using his distro.

Straight, pure Debian has always been very strange to me. I never could get it to install. But, Ultimate Boot CD uses Debian as its base, and so does the stand alone GParted distro and I use them both.

I did find a Debian-style distro I like: MX-15. Very neat distro with good, simple to use tools. The same people also offer antiX which I used to bring a pc back to life that was manufactured in 2000.

LinuxLite looked promising, but I have issue with some of their people so...

Lubuntu; I don't like the interface. No search bar in the menu, and the list of available programs in the software center leaves a bit to be desired. but, since I love old pc's, sometimes it is necessary.

Xubuntu- luv it! it works, it works well. That is my go-to distro. I have growing concerns since Ubuntu is fading out the "software center" and most software there is heinously out of date. I need a distro that is easy for converting people over from Windows... it needs to be simple and simple to explain, but we'll see what the future holds.

Deepin 2014.3 was a winner. It runs VERY well. It did seem to run a little heavier than Xubuntu; not a bad problem, but that did rule it out for use on netbook size laptops.

Deepin 15 looks VERY VERY promising. I always test distros on a old laptop that has a problematic AMD graphics card and an Intel processor that like to lock itself at half its capable speed. My premise is- if the distro runs on this thing, it'll run on anything. Deepin 15 is very easy on resources; I haven't seen RAM usage above 1GB yet. Deepin 15 also offered me some additional drivers for my processor which have cause it to run at "on demand" speeds instead of lock at one speed and the temperatures have dropped way, way, way down.

those are the ones that stand out. I guess i could pour out all the cd's and DVD's on the floor that I have created for a picture... several spindles full.
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2016-01-09 23:41
Edited by tristar at 2016-1-9 09:50

Mandrake was my first, after that Mandriva, then Debian, Ubuntu, LinuxMint, LMDE, ArchLinux then again Ubuntu, LMDE 2 and now Deepin Linux, and I hope, I will stay on it forever if they have rolling plan, then I'm done with distro hopping. Maybe I should use debian testing repos to achieve rolling effect... ;)
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2016-01-10 10:36
Edited by savanweylyn at 2016-12-29 21:45

I have tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, Xubuntu, Linux Mint (Cinnamon or MATE), Debain, Bodhi Linux, Chakra Linux (VM), Arch Linux (VM), TAILS (VM), Damn Small Linux (VM), Kolibri OS (VM), Gentoo Live (VM), Ultimate Edition [Ubuntu MATE with a good-sounding name] (VM), Android x86 (VM/Genymotion), Fedora/Korora (VM), UHU Linux (VM) Sulix (VM). So quite a few. Now i'm stuck with Deepin and i love it.
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2016-02-12 23:11
I began my Linux journey with Mint Mate edition on an old laptop and Mint cinnamon on my more powerful desktop.

I ran those until I discovered elementary luna.  Was with elementary the rest of the way.  Currently running elementary freya on my desktop while playing with multiple other distros through virtualbox.  Have Deepin 15 on my laptop to play around with and decide whether it will make the jump to my main production machine.

Love the DE; am unsure about a few little things.  I'm using the laptop to teach myself how to fix those issues before pulling the trigger on Deepin on my main machine.   For example, can I successfully compile OBS (I'm notoriously bad at compiling from source...call it bad luck, but something ALWAYS goes wrong seemingly).  Fonts were another issue that I've managed to fix.  Basically just giving it a good run on my laptop before switching completely from elementary.
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2016-02-13 02:24
jolicloud / jolios (now discontinued) is the only one worth mentioning. Haiku is something interesting but that is BSD based.
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2016-02-13 03:21
I tried Redhat, Knoppix, Ubuntu, Kubutnu, Xubuntu, Gentoo, Slackware, Puppy, Elive, Bodhi and a few more and then I discovered Crunchbang (discontinued) which i settled for a few years. For the last 3-4 years I've been doing my own custom Debian netinstall plus Xfce and a dark theme. Xfce has been my preference for it's performance, light on resources, flexibility, ease of use and user friendly. I had a lot of troubles with Ubuntu quirks (and its derivatives) so I generally dislike any Ubuntu based distribution so I never tried Deepin before version 15. Since Deepin moved to Debian from version 15 I am now enjoying it very much for it's beautiful simplicity, user friendliness and excellent control panel while maintaining the power and compatibility of Debian. Altough DDE isn't as light as Xfce I find its performance good enough so I'm replacing my Xfce desktops with it. Good job Deepin!
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2016-04-04 18:44
deepin is a beautiful GNU/Linux desktop environment that originated in China.  And, it is exactly as is described by DistroWatch.com:  "deepin (formerly, Deepin, Linux Deepin, Hiweed GNU/Linux) is a Debian-based distribution (it was Ubuntu-based until version 15 released in late 2015) that aims to provide an elegant, user-friendly and reliable operating system."

deepin IS "elegant, user-friendly and reliable".  These days I'm checking out Manjaro's version of the deepin desktop environment.  I'm happy to see that the deepin DE is being picked up by more distributions.  deepin is a charming desktop environment, and I very much enjoy using it.
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2016-04-05 01:26
I've tried OpenSUSE and it simply works.
Thanks to the lightweight JWM (Joe’s Window Manager) graphical desktop interface, Manjaro Linux JWM 16.04 needs less than 120MB or RAM to boot. The system also comes with scripts for installing multimedia codecs, printer drivers, Java, and a firewall. deepin can reach and have these performance and scripts as well I think.
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2016-04-06 13:01
I loved deepin 14.3, but have had nothing but problems with deepin 15 and 15.1.1. It just doesn't work well on my laptop at all. I found deepin to be a slow, buggy experience. While I have every confidence it will all get fixed - it has given me plenty of time to try other distros. At the moment I am using good old Lubuntu 14.04. Have to say it isn't fully featured out of the box like deepin, Ubuntu, Mint and others, but darn is it fast! Have really missed having a speedy OS that doesn't get in the way of what you are doing. Going to stick with it for a while I think. :-)
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2016-07-04 11:48
I loved deepin 14.3, but have had nothing but problems with deepin 15 and 15.1.1. It just doesn't wo ...

Have you tried antiX ? It's great for netbooks and other older boxes.
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