[End] Closed Beta Testing Activity for deepin 2015 Alpha 1 on July 3, 2015
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2015-07-04 04:49
Hello, everyone. In order to promote the development of deepin 2015, we now launch Closed Beta Testing Activity for deepin 2015 Alpha 1. Members of Closed Beta Testing Team: please join in the activity actively. Thank you!   

Friendly Reminder:
  • deepin 2015 Alpha 1 will be smoothly upgraded to deepin 2015 Alpha 2. We propose that conditional users do not delete deepin 2015 Alpha 1, so as to do the rolling upgrade test in future.
  • There are a lot of known bugs in deepin 2015 Alpha 1, we do not recommend to use it in daily work environment.

Testing Period
  • July 3, 2015: The testing begins.
  • July 3, 2015——July 17, 2015: You test deepin 2015 Alpha 1 and fill in the Closed Beta Testing Questionnaire.
  • July 17, 2015: The testing ends.

Testing Steps

  • This Closed Beta Testing activity is limited to members of Closed Beta Testing Team. Will you join in Closed Beta Testing Team?
  • Members of Closed Beta Testing Team attend this activity by default.
  • Members of Closed Beta Testing Team who don’t give feedback on the testing activities four times in a row will lose the membership of Closed Beta Testing Team.
  • Please don’t spread the content or data of this Closed Beta Testing activity without permission, or you’ll lose the membership of Closed Beta Testing Team.

Thank those members of Closed Beta Testing Team very much for their active participation.

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All Replies
m***[email protected]
2015-07-04 05:30
Thanks a lot!
Please, remember to use also Mega.nz as mirror for ISOs!
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2015-07-04 06:00
Download ISO ????
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2015-07-04 13:49
Thanks a lot!
Please, remember to use also Mega.nz as mirror for ISOs!

This will be of great help
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m***[email protected]
2015-07-05 00:27
||| For non Chinese people |||
I'm italian (Europe) and I found how to download the iso at top speed.
Use Jdownloader application in order to get full speed in download from Pan.Baudu!

First of all make sure you have OpenJDK:
  1. sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
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If you have OpenJDK, install Jdownloader:
  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get install jdownloader-installer
Copy the Code
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2015-07-05 09:17
Grazie, Maxximo88! Io sono brasiliano, abito d'altro lato di mondo in comparazione la China. Può imaginare la velocità di download? Haha
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m***[email protected]
2015-07-07 00:53
Grazie, Maxximo88! Io sono brasiliano, abito d'altro lato di mondo in comparazione la China. Può im ...

Ihih me too from Italy, too slow without Jdownloader! The other option is to enable one Betatester mirror in Europe and one in USA!

Ricordati di scrivere in inglese nelle sezioni "International" perché è l'unico modo per dialogare in una community internazionale!
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2015-07-09 01:25
Hi to all
I would like to download deepin 2015 alpha 1 but I need the password for that.Where can i find it?
Thank you.
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2015-07-09 03:36
Hi to all
I would like to download deepin 2015 alpha 1 but I need the password for that.Where can i  ...

Hi cgiannakidis70 , I had same problem.
Once you are member of beta community, just need to check messages, and find the link and password there.
And after 24 hours trying to do download from Spain, my advice is follow maxximo sugestion of use jdownloader to avoid problems during download.
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2015-07-09 07:54
Edited by cgiannakidis70 at 2015-7-8 17:56

Thank you for reply.
Because I'm knew to deepin how can i be member of beta community?
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m***[email protected]
2015-07-09 10:59
Thank you for reply.
Because I'm knew to deepin how can i be member of beta community?

Want to be a BETATESTER?
- https://bbs.deepin.org/post/30134
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2015-07-11 02:02
Hi again.
I maneged to be a member of beta community.The problem is that I am trying to open the link to download the alpha  1 iso but i can't.Is there any problem with the link?Is there any alternative method to download the iso?
Additionaly i installed JDownloader.
Thanks ina advance.

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m***[email protected]
2015-07-11 06:31
Hi again.
I maneged to be a member of beta community.The problem is that I am trying to open the lin ...

Use open DNS and this is the link: http://pan.baidu.com/share/init? ... 2&uk=3040856973
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2015-07-11 08:34
Use open DNS and this is the link: http://pan.baidu.com/share/init?shareid=3410721502&uk=304085697 ...

Thanks alot.
I finally managed to open the link but the password that they sent me is wrong.I put the password to download site but i cant download because it is wrong,Am I doing something wrong?
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m***[email protected]
2015-10-10 06:17
Any news about Deepin 2015 BETA or FINAL RELEASE?
No eta?
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2015-10-11 01:43
Hi Maxximo.
Here I am waiting as you, As I know nothing I can not share any news about it... ...
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2015-10-19 01:40

Update in alpha!

I am making an sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade now:

970 actualizados(to update), 208 nuevos (new)se instalarán, 77 para eliminar y 1 no actualizados.
Se necesita descargar 1.454 MB de archivos.
Se utilizarán 864 MB de espacio de disco adicional después de esta operación.
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2015-10-19 03:34
Edited by abercoque at 2015-10-18 12:42

Sorry, duplicated post,  
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2015-10-19 10:39
abercoque , hi! What ppa ?
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2015-10-21 05:54
abercoque , hi! What ppa ?

Sorry military_ru, but I did not say something about a ppa
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