[Solved]How can I upgrade Deepin 2013 to Trusty base?
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c***[email protected]
2014-08-07 12:08
I find Deepin 2013 much nicer than Deepin 2014. I like the Dock and the Launcher in Deepin 2013. It also has the hotcorners, which the Deepin 2014 doesn't have. I'd like to know, how I could upgrade Deepin 2013 to Trusty base without changing the Dock and the Launcher.

Or, eventually how to install the Deepin 2013 Dock in Deepin 2014?
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c***[email protected]
2014-08-07 23:42
I hope some Deepin developers in this forum would show me the way. There should be a way to upgrade the repos from Raring to Trusty, without breaking the Deepin 2013 Dock and the Launcher. What I don't like in the Deepin 2014 is the Dock; that's why I want the older Dock back. Can anyone help?
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2014-08-08 00:39
I'm sorry, we also have this plan at the beginning. Because the corresponding ubuntu source of Deepin 2013 has been removed and we find the work load is too heavy, so we gave up. The dock of Deepin 2014 will contain the mode of Windows 7, perhaps you'd better to wait for 2014.
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c***[email protected]
2014-08-08 00:50
I have Deepin 2014, but don't like to dock, not because the dock is ugly or something like that, but it is buggy. One cannot change the position of icons. Sometimes the dock won't come out of autohide mode, or come out quite slow. The settings panel also sometimes don't come out. These times are few seconds, but annoying.
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c***[email protected]
2014-08-08 06:54

What if I block all dependencies of every dde app from being upgraded, and upgrade the rest of Ubuntu base to Trusty from Raring using Ubuntu repos? Would that keep the Desktop, Dock and the Launcher intact?
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Feng Yu
2014-08-08 19:46

What if I block all dependencies of every dde app from being upgraded, and upgrade the rest of Ubuntu base to Trusty from Raring using Ubuntu repos? Would that keep the Desktop, Dock and the Launcher intact?
No, you can't. Because Ubuntu has deleted the repo of raring.
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2014-08-13 18:50
@Chdslv, No,  you can't. Because Ubuntu has deleted the repo of raring.
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c***[email protected]
2014-08-18 04:25
abcfy2, Maggieszd,

Well, it can be done. I did it today.
The Deepin 2014 bottom panel is quite buggy, even though the settings dock is nice. I liked the old bottom panel better as it was somewhat configurable. Even the Deepin 2014 apps launcher looked livelier. I was thinking how to keep the Deepin 2012(13) desktop environment with its lancher and bottom panel, so kept Deepin 2013 in one partition. Today, I upgraded everything to Trusty.

Now, I have a very pretty Deepin 2013 with the Trusty base, which is LTS.

I have a feeling, when Ubuntu releases the next LTS, I would be able to upgrade Deepin 2013 to that base, keeping the launcher, bottom panel and the system settings and few other Deepin apps. As I am using Synaptic, I really don't need the Deepin Store.
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