Linux Deepin 14 AMD Switchable Graphics with Intel HD4000
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2014-08-03 12:46
I have a HP probook 4540s with AMD 7650M Graphics and HD4000 Intel Integrated.
The switchable graphics performs well in Windows 7 but I was not able to find the driver for Linux Deepin. I tried downloading it from the Official AMD site too? Any ideas?
The screen flickers sometimes when I start some applications like Skype, etc.

Also I have one more problem. I recommended this distro to my friend because this is very very fast I must say. I am happy with the out of the box settings, it takes little getting used to but I love the feel, its unique. However the Updates are hell slow! Also Software center downloading is very slow! This is a let down.

and what does Deepin Translator do? I uninstalled it since it didnt run at the first time I didn't see any windows lol
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2014-08-04 22:32
Turn off your A card in the motherboard, because linux can not support dual graphics cards very well currently, A card official did not give a switching function.

Deepin translator is not available, please output the following in the terminal:
  1. deepin-translator
Copy the Code
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2014-08-08 08:05
Hey man,

I just fixed my notebook's performance. I have a nvidia notebook with a 660M. There is nvidia optimus, which switches between intel and nvidia graphics card. There is a application called bumblebee which acts as a proprietary optimus.

What I found for AMD is, there is no need for a app like bumblebee.
Here is a article explaining what you must do to get AMD graphics to render: ... _on_linux/
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