Interested in helping with English translations
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2014-07-10 21:54
Hi. I'm *very* impressed with Deepin 2014, it's amazing! Firstly I'd like to thank and congratulate the developers, you've obviously been working very hard and you're obviously very talented. However, there are quite a few issues with English translations, things that aren't really misleading or nonsensical but just poorly written, for example:
"Your system is updating.please donnot poweroff..."
Should be:
"Your system is updating. Please do not power off..."
I've registered on and had a look at the translation files, but I'm a bit unsure about the best way to fix these issues, since it seems that English is the "source language" in most cases. Should I simply update the English translations, or should I send (source code) patches to the project maintainers, fixing the issues in the "msgid" field instead of/as well as  "msgstr"?
If I change only the "msgstr" fields, then the incorrect texts will remain in the original source code. If I change the texts directly in the source code, will the translation system deal with these changes properly, or will it require changes to all translation files that use the poorly written "msgid" texts?
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2014-07-14 23:47
Please list all the minor errors you have found on this page if you can. If you want to send me emails, please see my signature.
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2014-07-14 23:49
Please list all the minor errors you have found on this page if you can. Or you can send emails to me at [email protected].
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2014-07-17 00:41
I've started checking through the translations on Transifex one by one:
dde-control-center is ok.
dde-daemon looks mostly ok. I'm a bit unsure about a couple of strings (I'm not sure what context they're used in).
Deepin Boot Maker has a few issues:
Welcome to use Deepin Boot Maker software and you can quickly create Deepin OS Startup Disk through a simple setting, which supports dual BIOS and UEFI start.
" is understandable but doesn't completely make sense. Something a bit more appealing might read (omitting the HTML) "Welcome to Deepin Boot Maker. After setting a few options you'll be able to create a Deepin OS Startup Disk which supports both BIOS and UEFI boot.".
Another message says (with some HTML also) "Congratulations! Deepin OS Startup Disk creates successfully!", should be "created".
Another message says "Diskimage file not found", there should be a space: "Disk image". This happens again with "The specified diskimage file...", but other usages of "disk image" are written correctly. This happens again with some more words later on in the .pot file: "extractiso", "extractallfiles" so I think these might just be debugging messages (referring to functions with those names perhaps?).
The rest of Deepin Boot Maker looks ok.
Deepin Desktop Environment:
"Are you sure to remove?" should be written more like "Are you sure you want to remove this?".
"Thanks for your patience to learn.Congratulation!" should be more like "Thanks for your patience while learning. Congratulations, you're now ready to get started!". (Congratulations should have the s in this context, and it's often followed by something, but doesn't need to be).
"Use the keyboard searching to find applications you want⏎ We try"deepin" keyword to see which applications shown" should be "Use the keyboard to search for applications. Try the "deepin" keyword to see which applications are shown.". Note these square symbols show up, there's one between "you want" and "We try" above. I wonder if that's a Chinese character (probably with the same appearance or meaning as a full stop) that doesn't render correctly when it's in an english text? A few strings are missing spaces and such so this might be related to encoding issues (UTF8 being treated as pure ASCII maybe).
Also, full stops at the end of the sentences might be missing from a few more messages in Deepin Desktop Environment. I'll have to check back over this one and try and run the desktop tutorial again to see how these messages actually appear. New users see these as soon as they boot into their newly installed system, so making the messages sound friendly and helpful will greatly improve first impressions for English speaking users.

That's all I've got time for right now, but I'll keep going down the list and looking for errors, I should get back to you in a day or two, maybe even sooner.
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2014-07-18 01:59
Ok, noted.
Thanks very much for your contribution and I will change them ASAP.
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2014-07-19 00:57
A few more..
Deepin game is mostly ok (the game titles don't appear translated at all, but the app is ok). The main message that's a bit unclear is "Deepin Game is designed by Deepin for Linux users. Here you will elaborately find good and safe games selected by professionals. Click and play the best games you have ever met. Deepin Game just for happiness!" - "elaborately" doesn't make much sense here and should be removed (it makes sense without it). "met" should be changed to "seen" or "found", I think "seen" sounds better. "Deepin Game just for happiness!" isn't the kind of sentence you'd see on Western products, but it makes sense and also sounds cute, so I think it's ok. A comma should probably be added though "Deepin Game, just for happiness!".
"You scored today already", if it's used in a form like "You scored today already 1000 points", should be more like "Your total score today:" or "Today's total score is", or even "Today's score:". However, if it's referring to something that can only be scored once a day, and means you can't score another one because you already scored today, it makes sense how it is. I can't find this message when using the app so I'm not sure what it refers to.
I'm not sure about "Ratings successfully", if it's a message given after a user's rating has been processed/accepted, it should say "Rated successfully".
"Game deliver:", if it's suggesting you use the given email address to ask Deepin to publish a game you're developing, should be written more like "Game publishing:" (referring to "the game publishing department" or "the person in charge of game publishing") or "ublish your game:".
Deepin Installer - "Freespace"/"freespace" (used in two different messages), it should be written as two words, "Free space"/"free space".
Deepin Movie - "Allow multiple instance" - "instance" should have an s at the end to indicate that it's a plural, "instances".

I'll have a look at the remaining few apps on the weekend.
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2014-07-19 01:50
Welcome to help us in translation and we will change the wrong ones ASAP.
1. "You scored today already" is referring to something that can only be scored once a day, and means you can't score another one because you already scored today.
2."Game deliver", we want to express that someone recommends a game to us and we upload in our Game Centre.
So I think Game publishing is not suitable, maybe "Game Upload" better
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2014-07-22 00:33
"Game deliver" is quite a hard one to describe properly. I think using "upload" would work better, or maybe "Suggest a game:". Deliver does make sense, but it's very unclear, a bit like saying "Game send" or "Game move". Deliver is a very general word (similar to "move") but has come to be associated largely with the delivery of packages, pizzas, books, etc. to a customer, so it also becomes a bit confusing when the roles are reversed (the consumer delivering something to the supplier doesn't make sense, but the consumer suggesting something to the supplier does make sense). "ublishing" would work better if you're mostly dealing with the authors/developers of the games themselves, they'd publish their work through your app, but not so much if most games are suggested from other sources.

A few more:
Deepin Music - mostly ok but a few problems:
The "Are you sure to delete?" message appears again, and should be more like "Are you sure you want to delete this item?".
"Folder(include subdirectories)" needs a space before the opening bracket: "Folder (include subdirectories)".
"Deepin Music is a music application designed for Linux users. It's characterized with lyrics searching, desktop lyrics display,album cover downloading, resume playing, music management and skin selection.⏎ ⏎ Deepin Music is free software licensed under GNU GPLv3." - "characterized with ..." should be "characterized by ..." (the two should be equivalent but "by" is usually used after "characterized" in Western texts, so "with" looks strange). There should be a space in "... display,album ..." to become "... display, album ...". Also "resume playing" doesn't sound like an important feature to include in the About information (I have a feeling something different was meant by this - but "resume playing" indicates to an English reader that the player includes a pause/resume button, which is already assumed anyway. If it resumes playing from the last position/playlist after closing and reopening the application, this should be described in more detail, e.g. "resume playlist from previous session").

Deepin Screenshot - all messages look ok.

Deepin Store - "The error was successfully reported and will be soon handled." - should be "... will soon be handled" or "... will be handled soon".
"Max download task number:" - this does make sense, but I think "Maximum download tasks:" would be a better way of saying it. (Just to clarify, I expect that it means an amount (number) of tasks, not the process id (number) of a specific task).
"Rating successfully. Thanks for your involvement." should be "Rated successfully. ..." (note, "Rating failed", which appears in the next message, is correct).
"Deepin Store is a commonly used software center on Linux. It selected more than 2,600 excellent applications with many functions of installation and uninstalling, software repository and popular recommendations, which supports 1-click quick installation, multi-threaded download and clearing of cached packages. It provides topics for software introduction and shares good applications.⏎ ⏎ Deepin Store is a free software licensed under GNU GPLv3."
- there are quite a few minor issues here, which makes this message as a whole quite vague: "It selected more than ..." would make more sense either written like "Select from more than ..." or "We've selected more than ...".
"many functions of installing and uninstalling" is unclear (does this mean: there are many ways to install/uninstall programs? there are many programs which can be installed/uninstalled? there is much complexity in the process of installing/uninstalling?).
"1-click quick installation" makes sense but just saying "1-click installation" would imply that it's a quick process anyway.
The sentence "It provides topics for software introduction and shares good applications" does make sense, but "topics" and "introduction" are a little bit unclear without additional context and "shares good applications" just doesn't sound right. I'd suggest replacing this sentence with something like "It provides quality software categorised into topics for you to explore.".
Also, one final problem towards the end: "Deepin Store is a free software licensed under ..." should have the "a" removed.

There's still a few projects I haven't looked at yet, but I'll get around to them eventually.
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2014-07-22 21:53
Thanks for your advice and We will change the wrong ones.
Q1: "Game deliver" has been changed to "Game upload", because we only upload games recommended by game users, but not publish, only the company who designs a game can say publish.
Q2:"Are you sure to delete?" is ok ,we need simple expression and just highlight "delete".
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2015-01-20 09:57
In Deepin Music
How about changing: Are you sure to delete?
Are you sure you want to delete?
Or if you don't like that this wold also be better:
Do you want to delete this?
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2015-01-20 10:28
Some minor changes for english
Deepin Installer from this file: deepin-installer.pot
Installation Succeed!
change to
Installation Successful!

The installation log has been saved on the desktop for you.⏎ To help us improve the system better, please send the log to Deepin Team. Thank you!
add the word "the" before Deepin Team

It is detected that you are using a virtual machine. Installing Deepin on a virtual machine will affect its performances. You are recommended to experience it in a real environment.
change performances to performance

You may not boot due to too small space of /boot mount point, please improve the space to 300M at least.
change to
You may not boot until you increase the size of the /boot mount point, please increase it to at least 300MB.

Do you want to continue the installation ?
remove extra space before the ?

System installation failed. Please send the log to Deepin Team.
add the word "the" before Deepin Team

Enjoy Online Strongest Voice
not sure what this is supposed to mean. Maybe try Enjoy Strong Online Voice

Welcome to participate in Deepin Internationalization Project
add to the beginning:
You are welcome
or just remove Welcome to and make it start with:
Participate in ...

Welcome to follow us on Weibo, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Mailing List and IRC
add to the beginning:
You are welcome
or just remove Welcome to so it starts with: Follow us on Weibo ...
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2015-01-20 10:58
translation changes for Deepin Desktop Environment 2.0 ... nguage/en/

Let's drag the other icon on the first icon ⏎ to generate "application group"
change to
Let's drag the other icon on the first icon ⏎ to generate an "application group"

Well, you have learned how to create a "application group"
Well, you have learned how to create an "application group"

tips: Right-click on the application group will provide more functions
tips: Right-clicking on the application group will provide more functions

Slide the mouse to the four top corners, which can trigger four different events
Sliding the mouse to the four corners can trigger four different events

We already know that launcher can be shown/ hidden by sliding the mouse to the upper left corner
We already know that the launcher can be shown / hidden by sliding the mouse to the upper left corner
add the word "the" before launcher
add space before the /

No functions are set in default on the upper right corner⏎ Right-click on desktop black area to call up the menu, select "Corner navigation" to set the corner used
No functions are set by default on the upper right corner⏎ Right-click on a blank area of the desktop to bring up the menu, select "Corner navigation" to set the corner used
change in to by before the word default
change these words "desktop black area to call" to "a blank area of the desktop to bring"

Three modes and the display status can be switched by right-click on the blank area of dock
Three modes and the display status can be switched by right-clicking on the blank area of the dock
change click to clicking
add the word "the" before the word dock

tips: Click the setting icon on dock to implement
tips: Click the setting icon on the dock to implement
add the word "the" before the word dock

tips: Hover the setting icon on dock to quickly implement some setting functions
tips: Hover the setting icon on the dock to quickly implement some setting functions
add the word "the" before the word dock

Thank you for your patience to learn! More surprises are waiting for you to explore
Thank you for your patience while learning! More surprises are waiting to be explored.
change the word "to" to while and the word learn to learning
change "for you to explore to" to "to be explored."

Start my Deepin trip
Start my Deepin experience

"Application Launcher" can be started by sliding the mouse to the upper left corner or clicking on the launcher.
remove the "." at the end since none of the other tutorial text has a period at the end of their sentences. Or add a period at the end of every complete sentence in the tutorial.

Please directly hit "deepin" in keyboard
Please type "deepin" on keyboard
This one confuses people because they think there is key on the keyboard called deepin but they won't find it.

You can directly drag the application icon to Dock or trash
You can directly drag the application icon to the Dock or trash

tips: Click the right mouse button on the application icon to call up the context menu
tips: Click the right mouse button on the application icon to bring up the context menu

The merging operation will be asked to confirm before replacing any files in the folder conflicted.
During the merging operation you will be asked to confirm before replacing any files in the conflicted folder.
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ka******[email protected]
2022-10-06 16:44
It has been deleted!