English translation fixes for 2014 RC
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2014-06-30 22:42
Hello  Tonyb,
Thanks very much for the suggestions, but we didn't find them in our newest version, so could you please tell us where you find and which version you used.

Best regards
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2014-06-27 15:37
Hi from Tonyb, just found deepin and installed 2014-RC x86_64.  New member.

Most impressed so far.  It installed well beside my Mageia and included start menu options for this and MS-Win.

The English is very good but could use some quick fixes before release, if this is not too late.
I'm talking about the pop-up texts during install.  My suggestions below try to stay close to what you are saying, with some small English fixes.  Please accept this as a mark of respect to your very good Deepin software, that I offer these small changes, so the pop-ups do not distract users during installation.

Deepin Music Player
"It can providing the perfect music services with full of extensible functions and customized skin settings"
This might read better as:
"It can provide your perfect music services full of extensible functions and customized skin settings."

Deepin Movie
"A brand-new upgrade from Deepin Media Player, new experience at interaction, all will be in Deepin Movie"

I might not have quite understood what was being said here.  It might read better as
"A brand-new upgrade from Deepin Media Player, giving you a new interactive experience, will be in Deepin Movie"

Deepin Software Center
"It will give you a brand new experience at where you can upgrade software fastly, and it will offer a online chat & discover platform as well."

My suggested fixes:
"It will give you a brand new experience where you can quickly upgrade software and it will offer an online chat & discover platform as well."

Deepin Community
the part of the pop-up which says "Welcome to participate in our Deepin i18n Project"
might read better if it said "You are welcome to participate in our Deepin i18n Project".

Deepin Game Center
One typing error.  "don' t miss Deepin Game Center" shouldn't have the space in "don' t".  Change it to "don't"

With respect and admiration for what you have achieved.
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2014-07-10 23:30
I can confirm that these (or similar) minor errors appear in the most recent version (they're part of the graphics that appear while the system is being installed). I had a look at https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/de ... nguage/en/ but the messages don't seem to be there (maybe they're embedded in the graphics files?).
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2014-07-14 23:41
Thank you very much. We will spare time to deal with these minor errors in the graphics files.
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m***[email protected]
2024-03-21 12:59
It has been deleted!