Personalization Settings Changed After Update
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2014-01-26 19:19
thanks it's a minor issue in my opinion, but once it makes youtube, then it becomes an inconvenience. Thanks again.
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2014-01-25 22:43
I just updated my system and now I have to scroll through the wallpapers and select them that way, before the update I could save the pictures I down loaded and have my own theme

The personalization use to be different not this online stuff, what happened?  Why is it all different now?  You use to be able to select your pictures folder or you could select wallpapers360 online, or the Love wallpaper online, now all that's offered is online, I can't access my picture folder from the settings menu?  How do I change this back to the old way?

Also I would like to be able to right click and change wallpaper that way it does not work when I "set image as wallpaper"

Sorry about the questions it's been a while since I used Deepin.  I searched the forums but I could not find the answer.
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2014-01-26 01:37
I'm not one of the developers but I was really disappointed with the personalisation changes that have been made. I like the Windows style themes approach but it has all long gone. Why I don't know. I posted on this forum about it but no reason for the changes have been given. Perhaps the changes are announced and explained in Chinese, but non Chinese speakers remain uninformed. There is some info on the Twitter pages.

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r***[email protected]
2014-01-26 19:07
Platypus, you can find a post on how to revert it back to the windows style theme. I personally prefer the dark theme as I'm trying to run the other way, when it comes to windows.
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r***[email protected]
2014-01-26 19:10
Hey Devs

This is not looking good for this distro that has a reputation for being so polished and flawless.  Please check out this review on Youtube:

Lets get this fixed asap, please.
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2014-01-26 19:13
Sorry for the confusion. They think that the original design, for changing wallpapers and managing and applying local wallpapers etc., is not straightforward and can be sometimes hard to find. In a word, the operation is not simple. They are working for a better design.
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2014-01-26 19:15
Hey Devs

This is not looking good for this distro that has a reputation for being so polished and flawless.  Please check out this review on Youtube:

Lets get this fixed asap, please.

As a co-worker, I'll urge them to get it fixed asap, no matter if they'll think I'm being annoying or not.
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2014-01-26 21:39
I'm not one of the developers but I was really disappointed with the personalisation changes that have been made. I like the Windows style themes approach but it has all long gone. Why I don't know. I posted on this forum about it but no reason for the changes have been given. Perhaps the changes are announced and explained in Chinese, but non Chinese speakers remain uninformed. There is some info on the Twitter pages.


Ya I think I read your post as well I did make a Youtube video regarding this issue on my channel you can find it @ ... 19&index=9

I did a fresh install now I do have experience with this system I ran it as my main system for almost 2 months, I made the video explaining what packages to leave out under a fresh install, basically I took out any package that contained "system settings manager" there's not too many so I left them out and it worked like a charm.  Best solution I have thus far anyway, the dev's that posted a solution mention to remove the system settings and reinstall but I tried that person's solution and it did absolutely nothing so I tried my own thing.  Kinda sad really because if you watch my video what ever they did also broke the right click option to apply any picture as wallpaper.  I dunno what happened I'm not a programmer so it's up to them to figure things out.
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2014-01-26 21:45
Sorry for the confusion. They think that the original design, for changing wallpapers and managing and applying local wallpapers etc., is not straightforward and can be sometimes hard to find. In a word, the operation is not simple. They are working for a better design.

I'm the maker of that video and I must say aside from this issue this system is one of the most awesome looking distros I've ever ran across, it is the most original and most beautiful systems I have seen since Mac os x.  I'm really proud to have Linux Deepin as my system.  

So in short, I was just wondering what was wrong with the old design of the system settings?  It worked great and people liked it.
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r***[email protected]
2014-01-27 09:14
Hey Jeff good seeing you here, this is Reginald. I think they will do their best to make this system great again.  thanks again for pointing out this issue.
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