2013-09-05 02:24 deepin
Actually there is a much easier way of getting ndiswrapper working - install 'ndiswrapper-dkms' as well. (which is not installed by default or listed as a dependency)
PS: I have just downloaded and installed the 64-bit Deepin, replacing my 32-bit install, and found that after building both of the above ndiswrapper packages, 'ndisgtk' wouldn't run, producing the error message "Failed to load GTK bindings. Please check your Gnome installation." So there is still stuff that doesn't work properly on 64-bit - the reason I still tend to install the 32-bit versions.
Edit: Try as I might, I could not get the version of Ndiswrapper that is in the repositories to work at all - really annoying! I have also modified the first post, including my 64-bit builds of Ndiswrapper, which also work fine.
PS: I have just downloaded and installed the 64-bit Deepin, replacing my 32-bit install, and found that after building both of the above ndiswrapper packages, 'ndisgtk' wouldn't run, producing the error message "Failed to load GTK bindings. Please check your Gnome installation." So there is still stuff that doesn't work properly on 64-bit - the reason I still tend to install the 32-bit versions.
Edit: Try as I might, I could not get the version of Ndiswrapper that is in the repositories to work at all - really annoying! I have also modified the first post, including my 64-bit builds of Ndiswrapper, which also work fine.
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Anyway, my solution was remove all the nidwrapper stuff, build both 'ndiswrapper' and 'ndisgtk' from source, and install these. And it worked! Note that there is no 'ndiswrapper-common' found with this installation, just 'ndiswrapper' and 'ndisgtk'.
Below are links to both packages (built with 'checkinstall') in case anyone needs M$ drivers - with regards to the ath9k (crap) drivers, I would think everybody!
Ndiswrapper 32-bit.
Ndiswrapper 64-bit.