About Linux Deepin
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s.******[email protected]
2011-12-22 11:24
The project stems back to Hiweed Linux. The first public release Hiweed 0.7 was out in early 2004 and based on Debian (when Ubuntu had not published yet) with a XFCE environment. Later, Hiweed 1.0 through 3.0 was based on Ubuntu yet still with XFCE (it's not regarded as based on Xubuntu). At that time the only maintainer was Hiweed.

In 2009, Snd, Wmd and Huahua joined the project as testers and maintainers, and the distribution name changed to Linux Deepin. "Deepin" is the other name of Snd and also his forum. Since then, LD released two months after each Ubuntu version. 9.12 and 10.06 are based on XFCE while 10.10 and 11.06 are based on Gnome2.

Early 2011, more people joined the project and in September and company was founded to support LD. The company currently has about twenty people (including students working part-time).

The latest version - 11.12 is based on Ubuntu 11.10 yet with a tweaked Gnome Shell desktop. In 2012, we are planning migration back to Debian when we get more working hands.

The Deepin Software Center, or DSC, is a (hopefully much better) replacement of Ubuntu Software Center. To get a quick browse of its features, please watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY_OAWYCEv8 and refer to this article http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/the- ... f-awesome/
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2012-01-08 01:14
I see your post, I feel good.
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2012-01-08 01:15
I always feel English talk how empty
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s.******[email protected]
2012-01-14 11:42
I see your post, I feel good.
Oh well... There arn't many users in English
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2012-01-17 17:00
hi . Im an interested Linux user. I see Deeping trought USB live and its simply fantastic distro. its go Deepin to translate to spanish soon? can be fantastic. I want Spanish Deepin!! thanks
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2012-01-20 08:17
i am a Deepin user for two versions already. Since my wife is chinese i needed a distro with solid chinese input capability wich nevertheless supportet european input methods. Only ubuntu based distro's have that kind of comfortable functionality. Deepin has a more solid implementation of chinese text input than original Ubuntu. I am a little bit concerned about the plans to go back to debian. As much as i like the responsiveness of plain debian it simply lacks the refined internationalisation tools ubuntu has. Being in Germany, having to setup computers with several parallel input methods does make it more or less necessary to use ubuntu. Configuring the locales manualy is just not an option.
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2012-03-06 05:56
i am a Deepin user for two versions already. Since my wife is chinese i needed a distro with solid chinese input capability wich nevertheless supportet european input methods. Only ubuntu based distro's have that kind of comfortable functionality. Deepin has a more solid implementation of chinese text input than original Ubuntu. I am a little bit concerned about the plans to go back to debian. As much as i like the responsiveness of plain debian it simply lacks the refined internationalisation tools ubuntu has. Being in Germany, having to setup computers with several parallel input methods does make it more or less necessary to use ubuntu. Configuring the locales manualy is just not an option.

from:  Retired Chief Intelligence Officer (1984), Australian Capital Territory:

AGREE ... UBUNTU is progressive, allowing experimentation.  Debian is USA-REPLUBLICAN-CONSERVATIVE  (anti-Chinese).

See my User detail in this forum.  Despite many good offers from many beautiful, rich, educated white women, a Hongkong woman that I knew for 2 years agreed to marry me, @ 45 years old. That was 20 years ago. In white-racist Australia, my families & I have had severe institutional racism, from all types of groups in Australia.  Groups, or officials from these groups.  Never from direct individuals;  we (my families & I) are too highly ranked, educated, valued & 'feared' here.  But I only know ENGLISH.

DEBIAN, like MICROSOFT, APPLE, ... are USA-GOVERNMENT agencies, with inbuilt USA spyware & crippleware.  Debian FOLLOWS Ubuntu.  Debian is incapable and fearful of innovation.  Like Mao Tse Tung.

Please stay with *buntu.  At the moment (ATM) I use Pinguy or Xubuntu, 64 bit.  On my lower powered machines, I use Xubuntu-32bit, & Android (not official version, but independent 3rd party versions).  With my *buntu, I sometimes use DOCKY, but prefer Xubuntu's extra task bars.

I tried using Cairo, AWN, .... but found it wasting CPU cycles.
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2012-03-30 06:53
Hello, i am new to Deepin.
I am using Ubuntu now for 6 Years.I love Gnome 3 and 2 days ago, after some update Gnome 3 was no more running on my Ubuntu. i couldnt find help or a workaround. Today i switched to Deepin and really like it.Thank you for your great work.
BTW i am from Germany....
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2012-06-01 21:13
In white-racist Australia, my families & I have had severe institutional racism, from all types of groups in Australia.  Groups, or officials from these groups.  Never from direct individuals;  we (my families & I) are too highly ranked, educated, valued & 'feared' here.  But I only know ENGLISH.

DEBIAN, like MICROSOFT, APPLE, ... are USA-GOVERNMENT agencies, with inbuilt USA spyware & crippleware.  Debian FOLLOWS Ubuntu.  Debian is incapable and fearful of innovation. [/quote]

Some things never change.  Give it 5 generations (unless a crisis happens first).

Agree about MS and Apple, but not Debian.  Debian is like a basic dress you make a pattern from over and over getting new ideas each time.  It serves well as a knowledge/learning base.  Corporations control Apple and MS, and they are not agencies in themselves, but I agree they are =used= that way and do cooperate with something in the government.  All search engines and internet providers do also.  Nothing is private anymore, not really.  Debian is still free.

Ubuntu is one of many linuxes based on Debian.  And there are many based on Ubuntu. Ubuntu itself (to me) seems like another MS story all over again.  In fact, there is quite a bit of MS code in Ubuntu (and some other vendors too, to be fair about it).  But my thought is…why?  If I want MS I would stay with windoze.

So I shop around for other linux.  This one looks nice.
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2012-06-09 17:48
i am a Deepin user for two versions already. Since my wife is chinese i needed a distro with solid chinese input capability wich nevertheless supportet european input methods. Only ubuntu based distro's have that kind of comfortable functionality. Deepin has a more solid implementation of chinese text input than original Ubuntu. I am a little bit concerned about the plans to go back to debian. As much as i like the responsiveness of plain debian it simply lacks the refined internationalisation tools ubuntu has. Being in Germany, having to setup computers with several parallel input methods does make it more or less necessary to use ubuntu. Configuring the locales manualy is just not an option.

from:  Retired Chief Intelligence Officer (1984), Australian Capital Territory:

AGREE ... UBUNTU is progressive, allowing experimentation.  Debian is USA-REPLUBLICAN-CONSERVATIVE  (anti-Chinese).

See my User detail in this forum.  Despite many good offers from many beautiful, rich, educated white women, a Hongkong woman that I knew for 2 years agreed to marry me, @ 45 years old. That was 20 years ago. In white-racist Australia, my families & I have had severe institutional racism, from all types of groups in Australia.  Groups, or officials from these groups.  Never from direct individuals;  we (my families & I) are too highly ranked, educated, valued & 'feared'
here.  But I only know ENGLISH.

DEBIAN, like MICROSOFT, APPLE, ... are USA-GOVERNMENT agencies, with inbuilt USA spyware & crippleware.  Debian FOLLOWS Ubuntu.  Debian is incapable and fearful of innovation.  Like Mao Tse Tung.

Please stay with *buntu.  At the moment (ATM) I use Pinguy or Xubuntu, 64 bit.  On my lower powered machines, I use Xubuntu-32bit, & Android (not official version, but independent 3rd party versions).  With my *buntu, I sometimes use DOCKY, but prefer Xubuntu's extra task bars.

I tried using Cairo, AWN, .... but found it wasting CPU cycles.[/quote]

Debian is opensource you f*cking moron, Anyone can view the source code and see there is no spyware, You are an idiot and dont deserve to own a f*king computer.
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2012-06-13 21:50
Great work!!

I used to have my hope on RedFlag linux long time ago, but that disappointed me.  Now I just found LD.  It seems pretty promising.
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2012-06-21 18:51
Debian is opensource you f*cking moron, Anyone can view the source code and see there is no spyware, You are an idiot and dont deserve to own a f*king computer.
I do not agree with your approach,Please Do not argue!
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2012-06-25 05:56
[quote]I see your post, I feel good.
Oh well... There arn't many users in English [/quote]
Hi everyone!
Now you have another user who only speaks English. I am from the USA. The States of Florida and West Virginia. I have used Linux since 2004. I have learned a few things while using Linux and may be able to help. If I can be of any assistance I will. Just let me know. I'm using the English/Deepin 11.12.1 and I will move to 12.06 when it is released in English. 11.12.1 works very well and is doing everything I need it to do. Thank you.
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2012-06-26 04:10
[quote][quote]I see your post, I feel good.
Oh well... There arn't many users in English [/quote]
Hi everyone!
Now you have another user who only speaks English. I am from the USA. The States of Florida and West Virginia. I have used Linux since 2004. I have learned a few things while using Linux and may be able to help. If I can be of any assistance I will. Just let me know. I'm using the English/Deepin 11.12.1 and I will move to 12.06 when it is released in English. 11.12.1 works very well and is doing everything I need it to do. Thank you.[/quote]
We welcome you to join deepin! ;)
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